Over the years I have become a little more savvy at buying and selling on eBay and I recently managed to bag, what to me, is a super bargain. Rewinding back to around 1986 our h...
On my journey trying out many different film cameras I went through a Leica M phase, spending time with an M4-P, M3, M2 and M7. When using the M3 which was only a year younger t...
Back in 1979 I decided I’d had enough of the daily trudge of my office job for the past four years and considered it was maybe time to try something different. As I was q...
Local history has long been a fascination of mine and there is plenty of it around Merseyside where I have always lived. On the Wirral side of the River Mersey history can be tr...
Well spotted if you noticed that the header picture is not a 503CX, why will become clear shortly. For almost 50 years I yearned for a V series Hasselblad but they were always w...
Originally from Liverpool I moved to Birkenhead in 1982. It took me 33 years before I discovered the charm of Flaybrick. It began when I came across a photograph of an angel on ...