26 July, 2024

Shrovetide in Lazarim

By Paulo Monteiro

Lazarim is a town in the municipality of Lamego, which is located 12 kilometers from the city of Lamego. It has around 500 inhabitants, but during Shrovetide the floating popula...

24 July, 2024

Learning to Shoot Fashion Shows on Film

By Ananthan Nambiar

I recently started spending more time with the portrait photography community at university, which heavily intersected with the sustainable fashion community. As a result, I had...

18 July, 2024

Visiting Algeria with My Olympus XA

By tomodayes

I took a trip back to Algeria to see my grandfather. Packed my faithful Olympus XA. I needed a camera I could easily hide for some street shots. Wikipedia moment: Algeria, the b...

3 July, 2024

How to Shoot Stand-up Paddle Competitions

By Andrea Monti

Shooting Stand-Up paddle is complicated because, like in motor sports, things go on largely even until, all of a sudden action erupts. In other words, boredom is the first and f...