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21 October, 2024

Konica IIIM – Caves, Fog, and Review

By David Tan

At the current stage of my photographic journey, I enjoy normal prime lenses. When I go on trips, whether it’s with my Nikon F2 or my Canon P, I often find that the 28 or...

20 October, 2024

The night Venice talked to me

By Julian Tanase

The dark, silky, smooth waters of the canals are silent now, only a few late boats are disturbing the lights that are dancing in the rhythm of the waves. Where there were armies...

19 October, 2024

Shooting Fast Alfa Romeo on a Race Track

By Andrea Monti

“The Citroen went into second and remained there; slowly we puffed up the long ascent. We had gone about a mile, when we became aware of a noise coming up from the valley...