Mamiya 7 system with 65mm lens

21 July, 2024

The Cost of the Mamiya 7

By Andrew

In the early days of the pandemic I purchased a Mamiya 7 kit from an old timer at a reasonable price. This had long been a dream camera of mine and I had been searching for one ...

3 July, 2024

Holga Tips from a Holga Nut

By Neal Wellons

If you have never shot a Holga, please don’t let this article make you think that Holgas have lots of problems and are complicated to shoot.  My first Holga roll eve...

28 May, 2024

Expired Film – My Hows and Whys

By David Hume

I’m writing this because expired film generates a fair bit of internet interest and chatter. It’s also something with which I have reasonable experience and I ...