Mamiya 7 system with 65mm lens

21 July, 2024

The Cost of the Mamiya 7

By Andrew

In the early days of the pandemic I purchased a Mamiya 7 kit from an old timer at a reasonable price. This had long been a dream camera of mine and I had been searching for one ...

3 July, 2024

Holga Tips from a Holga Nut

By Neal Wellons

If you have never shot a Holga, please don’t let this article make you think that Holgas have lots of problems and are complicated to shoot.  My first Holga roll eve...

10 June, 2024

Pearl River 4 – A Chinese TLR camera

By Bill Watts

This is a review of the Pearl River 4. But first a little Chinese camera history. The first TLR to be manufactured in China was the Shanghai TLR by the Shanghai Camera company. ...
Yashica Mat 124G

28 April, 2024

The Yashica Mat 124G and Me

By Geoff Chaplin

It’s not the camera, it’s not because it’s square format, it’s me, or rather us, we just don’t click together. Years ago I used a Hasselblad f...