7 March, 2024

5 Frames with Agfa APX 400 in the Midwinter

By Julian Tanase

I spent a few days in a quiet rural area, before actually reopening the business for 2024. You know, that time space between the end of year and beginning of the new daily strif...

27 February, 2024

5 Frames with a Voigtländer Vito CLR

By Eddie Greening

A few months ago, whilst meandering through some local markets in Germany, I came across a table full of old cameras in various states of disrepair. Being addicted to film camer...

26 September, 2023

AgfaPhoto APX 100 in Furano, Hokkaido

By Geoff Chaplin

The character on the right, Hesomaru, is the mascot of Furano. The ‘face’ is drawn on his rather large belly while is head and arms are hidden under the hat. Heso me...