The Mamiya C330 is one of those cameras that ‘got away’ for me. TLRs are a bit of a love hate relationship. When I was starting to shoot medium format, I spent many nights trawl...
31 August, 2019
Voigtlander Bessa & Brilliant V6 Two Classic 1938 Medium Format Cameras – By Phil Harrison
The Voigtlander’s in question are a 1938 Brilliant V6 TLR and a 1938 Bessa folder. My Grandfather had this model of Bessa, I found his camera in our attic and learnt how to use ...
I got my first medium format camera, a Mamiya 645 1000s, in 2017. It was a leap in quality and big change of workflow compared to 35mm; my process became slower, more contemplat...