Years ago (40 years) I moved to the east coast for a couple years. I was loaned a small compact camera. I decided to carry it instead of my heavy bulky Minolta. At first glance ...
Welp, one good thing about having been an active camera collector for over fifteen years now is that if I decide to start reviewing cameras, I’ve got quite a few candidat...
I have previously had an XA, an XA2 and an XA3, all well used and enjoyed, and which all eventually broke in their own special ways. The XA4 is the latest in the series and I al...
The Olympus XA2 is tiny, it is quick to turn on, it's zone focus, and has a brilliant lens. In my humble opinion, it is the best EDC (every day carry) and travel camera, and a g...
Ah the 1980's when cars and cameras still had edges and when certain camera companies had the courage to design and produce unusual cameras. Case in point are these fraternal tw...
During one of my regular charity shop forays I spotted a boxed Olympus iS-300 bridge camera – a fixed-lens 35mm single lens reflex (SLR) dating from the late 1990s. It’s solidly...
About a year ago, a single white truffle found near Turin sold at auction for €120,000 (just under £108,000), while the world’s largest sold for over $60,000 (£46,000) in 2014. ...
I’m going to own up to it now, to pre-emptively caveat this Olympus mju-V review. I am one of the dreaded Millenials (or even Generation Z, depending where you draw the line) th...