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Mamiya 7 system with 65mm lens

21 July, 2024

The Cost of the Mamiya 7

By Andrew

In the early days of the pandemic I purchased a Mamiya 7 kit from an old timer at a reasonable price. This had long been a dream camera of mine and I had been searching for one ...

18 July, 2024

Visiting Algeria with My Olympus XA

By tomodayes

I took a trip back to Algeria to see my grandfather. Packed my faithful Olympus XA. I needed a camera I could easily hide for some street shots. Wikipedia moment: Algeria, the b...

18 July, 2024

Minolta AL-F – Getting to know ALF

By Paul Quellin

Minolta; you might love the brand, or take the view their products were inferior. I know camera branding can elicit these responses. It was a long time ago, but in my late teens...