Thinking about which bulk roll of film to buy, I thought it would been nice to give a film that I had not shoot a lot a go. Yes, the ubiquitous Ilford HP5.
The photos here below are from the third roll I shot since my film journey began. The first time I tried it, I was not completely pleased with it. I don’t know why, but I was just not sure about the result. Then I tried another time and again, I was not 100% convinced. It was a bit better, but I was not totally happy. All the shots were too greyish to me.
Last week, was a reasonably bright day, so I decided to give it another go. I went to the local photo shop, bought a couple of rolls and decided to go for a stroll with my M2 and the 7Artisans 35mm f/2.
I find this set up very enjoyable. I never used a rangefinder before (I didn’t even know the word “rangefinder” that long ago to be honest). Since I started my journey, I find the M2 a very nice device to use. It is small, reasonably light and a solid camera. Every time I hear that “click” from the shutter, it gives me a positive feeling feeling. The 7artisans lens was a nice surprise too. I find 35mm to “my” focal length. Not too long, not too short. I haven’t tried a 50mm on the M2, but I sometimes it too “long” for my taste. The 35mm on the M2 just feel right to me.
With the clouds coming and going, it was not very easy to meter the scenes correctly, but this time I was quite pleased with the results. I shot it at box speed and developed with ID-11. Despite the fact that the developer was in the bottle for quite a while and was used once already, I find the tonality of the results quite pleasing.
I just corrected the brightness in some but most of them are just as they came out from the scanner.
The walk started around the centre of the village where I live. My idea was just to catch some images with some shadows in order to have some contrast and avoid those flat greys which I don’t much like.

Then it came my mind that not far from where I was, there’s a skatepark with some very bright grey concrete dunes. I was hoping to find somebody skating, and I did.

There’s some shoots at the skatepark that are not too bad, but next time I want to head over with the 90mm Elmar and try to catch more closer action.
If you fancy, you can check out my Instagram or twitter.
You can read more about my journey into shooting film here.
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Mike Jones on 36 frames / My 3rd Whole Roll of HP5 – #FullRollFriday – By Andrea Bevacqua
Comment posted: 02/10/2020
Comment posted: 02/10/2020
Alex Vye on 36 frames / My 3rd Whole Roll of HP5 – #FullRollFriday – By Andrea Bevacqua
Comment posted: 02/10/2020