I’ve just loaded my Lubitel 166b 120 6×6 format film camera with a roll of 35mm film… so thought I’d write a quick post to demonstrate how.
First I ordered a pair of 3D printed 35mm film adapters off Sam Cornwell’s Etsy. (Sam’s website Photgotraphy is also worth checking out). They came in the post a few days later. Once I’d found a previously missing take up spool, I set about loading the camera.

Step 1. Load it into the camera. It felt a little snug, but actually fit perfectly when I closed the camera.

Step 2. Feed it into the take-up spool. No problems here.

Step 3. I need to work out how much to advance the roll after each frame is shot. To do this I put a bit of tape on the winder and made a mark pointing to the top of the camera.

I then put a tiny mark on the film and with the back of the camera open, wound it to see what sort of rotation would see the mark past the film gate. Luckily, two complete winds gave it just slightly more wind than is needed. I’m not worried about wasting a bit of film with an experiment like this.
Step 4. Close the back of the camera and make sure it’s light tight – that little red window is no good to me here. I cut the a bit out of a film canister lid and taped it over the hole.

Step 5. Wind on. I gave it 4 complete winds of the knob. I feel like another might be safer… but I’m living dangerously…
Just a bit of fun… Keep an eye out for the results!
You can get a pair of 3D printed 35mm film adapters off Sam Cornwell’s Etsy – £6.46! Bargain!
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Sam Cornwell on Loading a 120 film camera with a pair of 3D printed 35mm film adapters
Comment posted: 05/12/2016
Comment posted: 05/12/2016
Comment posted: 05/12/2016
Peter Choy on Loading a 120 film camera with a pair of 3D printed 35mm film adapters
Comment posted: 05/12/2016
Comment posted: 05/12/2016
Comment posted: 05/12/2016
Dexter on Loading a 120 film camera with a pair of 3D printed 35mm film adapters
Comment posted: 06/12/2016
Alexander on Loading a 120 film camera with a pair of 3D printed 35mm film adapters
Comment posted: 06/12/2016
Comment posted: 06/12/2016
Dominic on Loading a 120 film camera with a pair of 3D printed 35mm film adapters
Comment posted: 09/12/2016
Just a quick note, I'm not expecting you to post this, since it may take biz away from your guy, but there is this guy here in the u.s., that does a whole bunch of 3d printing. Not to sure if you know him...
Solography with a Solarcan - Does exactly what it says on the tin! - 35mmc on Loading a 120 film camera with a pair of 3D printed 35mm film adapters
Comment posted: 10/06/2018