5 Frames with a Canon FTb and 50mm 1.4 lens – by Rob Davie

By Hamish Gill

These five photographs were all taken with my 35mm Canon FTb QL and Canon 50mm 1.4 lens. They are shot on Rollei Retro 80s and processed/scanned by AG Photographic.

I love the Canon. It is a great 35mm counterpart to my RB67 in that it is from the same era, it “clunks” and “clicks” like the RB in all the best ways. It has a (rudimentary) TTL meter which seems pretty accurate, but I always use my Sekonic because I am slow, deliberate and zen-like in my photography process. I tend to photograph huge buildings and concrete things as they can’t run away.

The “QL” in the title is for “Quick Load” due to the brilliant feature it has which simplifies loading. It’s just a little metal flap really, but it does make a difference.

All the shots here were taken in and around York Minster. I am lucky enough to live just 10 mins away from the centre of York so I am here quite often and am working (slowly) on a series/collection of photographs which will be available as a book or Zine at some point.

My webste is www.rjdavie.com

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About The Author

By Hamish Gill
I started taking photos at the age of 9. Since then I've taken photos for a hobby, sold cameras for a living, and for a little more than decade I've been a professional photographer and, of course, weekly contributor to 35mmc.
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Nick on 5 Frames with a Canon FTb and 50mm 1.4 lens – by Rob Davie

Comment posted: 26/09/2017

Great stuff Rob. Love the photograph of the columns in particular, something special about that. I haven't used Rollei Retro 80s film before. I will now!

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Victor Bezrukov on 5 Frames with a Canon FTb and 50mm 1.4 lens – by Rob Davie

Comment posted: 27/09/2017

very special results ! my personal fav is the frame with the motion effect created by the moving people

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Tobias Eriksson on 5 Frames with a Canon FTb and 50mm 1.4 lens – by Rob Davie

Comment posted: 27/09/2017

Hi Rob! Thanks for sharing! I also love cameras that clack-clunks. I started out in photography with an FT and reivisits it often since it's still in my father's possession. Nice pictures: There are not two square inches on that church with the same texture - I love it!

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Blinx on 5 Frames with a Canon FTb and 50mm 1.4 lens – by Rob Davie

Comment posted: 27/09/2017

The Canon FTb is everything the current film market dislikes, large, clunky and distinctly un-niche, but is none the worse for that. People spent the entire photographic lives shooting cameras like the FTb, and their images weren't compromised. Last time I went to York Minster you could have bought an FTb for the price of entry! I'm glad you enjoy using it.

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Jens Knappe replied:

Comment posted: 27/09/2017

Unfortunately the world of photographers forgets great cameras like Canon FT/FTb or Minolta SR-T or Konica Autoreflex T/T2/T3. I don't understand why. They were built for the eternity, they are sturdy, reliable, with precise light meters, frugal battery consumption and with a lovely number of wonderful lenses. Okay, there are only less cons, weight and slow handling. But, after some learning period, you understand slowliness and you understand mechanical reliability. Thanks for 5 frames with this SLR legend FTb, Rob !


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