As a 15 year old I got my first ever SLR for a Christmas present. It was a Soviet made Zenit and served me well for a while. When I opted for ‘A’ Level Photography at school, I decided to upgrade. With a small budget made up from part-time work, the only new camera I could afford was a Praktica, the latest model being the MTL5b. Literally made in their millions in the old GDR (or East Germany as we knew it), Prakticas were relatively cheap and had a decent reputation for reliability. And perfect for learning with. Others in my cohort also had Prakticas. One class mate had a neat, sleek SLR which looked rather impressive. I worked out years later it was an Olympus OM.

Manufactured by Pentacon in Dresden, the so-called L Line of Prakticas ran from 1969 to 1989 (as the Berlin Wall came down) and produced at least 5 million bodies in at least 50 models, although there were often miniscule changes between each variant. They were all M42 scewmounts and often shipped with either a Tessar or Domiplan 50mm 2.8 prime. Sometimes it was the faster Pentacon auto or Pancolor 1.8. The ones I have used have all had stop-down TTL metering controlled by depressing a switch, but there were also others with different metering options or none at all. The shutter release on all is located on the front of the body, rather than the top plate.
Here are some more prints taken in my youth (somewhere between 1986 and 1989). At the time I was shooting almost exclusively ORWO B&W film, in keeping with the East German theme: it was cheap and quite forgiving to process. None of my negatives from this time exist. However, I did keep some prints. The main exam question was ‘People at work and at leisure’. I remember doing a lot of candid street photography in those days. I was much braver and no-one seemed to mind, unlike modern times! I also enjoyed industrial landscapes. I printed my own photographs, always on Ilford or Kentmere paper, until I no longer had access to a darkroom. Nowadays I scan my negatives and dodge & burn digitally.

Back to Praktica, and photos taken on a LTL3 which is a second generation L from the mid 1970s. I found this camera a few years ago on a charity stall at a country fayre. My sudden and burning desire to reunite with Praktica made me buy it for £15. However, I have only used it for one roll as unfortunately it suffers from what I assume is curtain drag at the hand-held shutter speeds (i.e light leaks from the the second shutter curtain not closing fast enough). At least it came with a clean, working CZJ Tessar.

I have tried to find a working MTL5b ever since (which I thought shouldn’t be too difficult considering half a million were made!). Why, you might ask? I believe this is in part to rekindle the kind of passion for photography I had thirty years ago when it all seemed so much simpler. A yearning for that basic, square-edged rectangular body. A yearning for M42 lenses. A yearning for that mechanical shutter that went clank. Ah, beautiful! Luckily I recently acquired a MTL3 which was a Praktica best seller right up to 1984. I specifically went off on a long walk with a roll of Vista Plus to finish this post…..

Thank for reading. Here’s one more photo from those early days, a high contrast study…

Some of my stuff at
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Mark on Praktica L Rievew – A Yearning for this old Line of SLRS – By Rock
Comment posted: 29/02/2020
Learned things -think I’m well read but find large gaps in knowledge of other countries, cameras, life.
Made me smile this AM drinking my coffee
Comment posted: 29/02/2020
Claudio Odorico on Praktica L Rievew – A Yearning for this old Line of SLRS – By Rock
Comment posted: 29/02/2020
Prakticas have a special place in my heart too. Also for me it was my first camera 30 years ago when my father, that went to East Germany for work, smuggled it to Italy and gave it to me as a gift. It was a PLC3 with three lenses 35 - 50 - 135 made by Carl Zeiss Jena. I still have that camera and lenses and still use them. When I grab that Praktica it feels like home, everything falls in the right place in my hands. I guess there is some kind of imprinting of the photographer and his first camera....
Comment posted: 29/02/2020
Roger B. on Praktica L Rievew – A Yearning for this old Line of SLRS – By Rock
Comment posted: 29/02/2020
Dean Linney on Praktica L Rievew – A Yearning for this old Line of SLRS – By Rock
Comment posted: 01/03/2020
Comment posted: 01/03/2020
Comment posted: 01/03/2020
Comment posted: 01/03/2020
Comment posted: 01/03/2020
Guy Bryan on Praktica L Rievew – A Yearning for this old Line of SLRS – By Rock
Comment posted: 01/03/2020
Comment posted: 01/03/2020
Charles Edington on Praktica L Rievew – A Yearning for this old Line of SLRS – By Rock
Comment posted: 02/03/2020
Fast forward 30 plus years I’m now living in the USA but always wanted to get another one - I recently picked up a working MTL5B from Canada. It took me back in time :-)
Comment posted: 02/03/2020
Sally on Praktica L Rievew – A Yearning for this old Line of SLRS – By Rock
Comment posted: 06/03/2020
Molly Miller on Praktica L Rievew – A Yearning for this old Line of SLRS – By Rock
Comment posted: 06/03/2020
vincent hansen on Praktica L Rievew – A Yearning for this old Line of SLRS – By Rock
Comment posted: 20/03/2022
Thomas Cervenak on Praktica L Rievew – A Yearning for this old Line of SLRS – By Rock
Comment posted: 03/11/2022
Sandy on Praktica L Rievew – A Yearning for this old Line of SLRS – By Rock
Comment posted: 21/12/2023
I'm not sure that the problem with the light leak is shutter curtain drag. The metal bladed shutters of the L series run vertically so if drag were cause the light leak should be on the longer side - but your is on the shorter side.