2 November, 2018
5 frames with a Minolta Panorama Zoom 28 – by Charles Higham
Another plastic compact from the early 1990s: check.
Not much about it on the internet: check.
28mm to 70mm Minolta zoom lens worth testing: check.
Charles Higham
Charles Higham's Posts
10 July, 2018
Shooting a roll of Kodak HIE infrared film with a Nikon F-301 – by Charles Higham.By Charles Higham
13 February, 2018
5 frames with a the Minolta Dynax 3000i & Minolta AF Zoom 35-80mm f/4-5.6 – by Charles HighamBy Charles Higham
17 November, 2016
Canon Sure Shot Sleek / Prima Mini II Review – By Charles HighamBy Charles Higham
1 March, 2016
Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim – Modifying & Shooting – by Charles HighamBy Charles Higham
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