David James

Retired former environmental scientist and IT Consultant/software developer. I got the 35mm bug in the early 1970s and owned a Zenit B as my first SLR, followed by a Topcon Unirex, an underrated camera. I'm always on the lookout for a decent vintage camera and now own a Voigtlander VitoII (1951-ish), a Pentax Spotmatic II, and an Olympus OM10, sadly without the original Zuiko lens

David James's Posts

9 March, 2024

5 Frames with a Voigtlander Vito II

By David James

In my late teens, around 1970, a work colleague invited me round to his place to show me how to print from 35mm film using an enlarger. This moment was a total epiphany for me, ...