Frequent readers may remember my struggle around the discontinued FujiFilm Neopan 400, and the compromises I had to make. I now have reason again to be frustrated with FujiFilm ...
Neopan Acros 100 had always been one of my favourite film stocks, right up until it was discontinued about two years ago. Acros 100 was contrasty, rendering rich blacks and acce...
I have the privilege of travelling for work to the Central West of New South Wales twice a year. After hours are typically my own, and I usually take those opportunities for pho...
OK yes it’s cheap. Fuji C200 is one of the cheapest 35mm colour films on the market. But if Portra 400 was the same price as C200, I’d still pick the Fuji most of the time. I’m ...
Back in the 90s I used to shoot “Melbourne City Scene” articles for a wine magazine where I’d write little pieces about wine bars and illustrate them with quick shots of bottles...
My first exposure to Neopan 400 (Professional/Presto) was in the work of one of my favourite film photographers; Walter Rothwell. When I first discovered his work I wasn't too i...
I have a love/hate relationship with slide film. The colours are second to none and the contrast is uniquely crisp. However, the costs associated with shooting slide film seem t...
The problem I have, and perhaps many other analog photographers, is that I have too many cameras. They are just too affordable and too enticing to someone who remembers how much...