Mamiya 7 system with 65mm lens

21 July, 2024

The Cost of the Mamiya 7

By Andrew

In the early days of the pandemic I purchased a Mamiya 7 kit from an old timer at a reasonable price. This had long been a dream camera of mine and I had been searching for one ...
Snow scene with parked cars in Chicago Illinois ca. 1940.

10 July, 2024

Save those negatives. You never know…

By Doug Anderson

When I started taking pictures at about age 8 my mother and I would take the roll of Verichrome Pan I shot with my Kodak Brownie 127 to Walgreens and in a few days would go back...

11 June, 2024

What does it take to be a Photographer?

By Tony Warren

In photography’s infancy, the mark of a photographer was black fingers from contact with the chemicals used (and probably a pale complexion). In the later 20th century, a...
Seeing in B&W

31 May, 2024

Seeing in Black and White

By Geoff Chaplin

I was photographing in colour for over 50 years. Occasionally I’d put a B&W film in the camera but I was still photographing in colour, there just happened to be B&am...

16 April, 2024

Another YAWDISF Post

By Andrea Monti

Yes, this is another ‘why do I shoot film’ post, and no, the answers are not ‘because it slows me down’, ‘because it connects me to the act of taki...