35mmc Website Issues (UPDATE)

By jeremystrange

A quick note to say that unfortunately we are still experiencing some serious issues with the website, although we believe we have found the source of the problem and are a good way through resolving it.

We are still expecting trouble when loading some pages, if you see any issues or random error messages, please list the URL down in the comments of this article and we will investigate.

We can only apologise for the inconvenience. We hope to be back up and fully operational soon, and will let you know when you can safely upload content and post comments again. Thank you!

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By jeremystrange
film // digital
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Bill MESA on 35mmc Website Issues (UPDATE)

Comment posted: 04/04/2023

I love this site, and I wish you expeditious success.
Thanx for your time, and your efforts !

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Bill MESA on 35mmc Website Issues (UPDATE)

Comment posted: 04/04/2023

To Mr. Strange ....
In retrospect, I forgot to add to my " encouraging " message... if doesn't get this f- cling blogsite going in the next 31.5 seconds,
may he burn in hell, and I wiill come stomp on his rotten ashes.
Maybe this will cheer him up.
Oops! Time's up....
Bill Mesa

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jeremystrange replied:

Comment posted: 04/04/2023

Thanks Bill, I’ll tell Hamish you say so! Haha


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S on 35mmc Website Issues (UPDATE)

Comment posted: 05/04/2023


Not loading

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Anthony Conroy on 35mmc Website Issues (UPDATE)

Comment posted: 05/04/2023

Thank heaven for that
I thought it was my PC

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Rob Stammets on 35mmc Website Issues (UPDATE)

Comment posted: 05/04/2023

Hi, tried opening a 35mmc page this morning, but the page that opened just said there was an error.
The page I tried opening was PPP servicing and repairs.
Regards Rob S

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Rob Stammers replied:

Comment posted: 05/04/2023

I still can't open blogs from my email notifications. I press the continue reading this article button, it skips to a page which just stays blank. Any ideas what's causing this, I'm missing out on reading great content. Regards Rob (UK).


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