This morning, Pixii – the new smartphone connected digital rangefinder – has just been officially announced as available to order from their website here!
Pixii is a camera I have been fascinated in since I first heard about it a few years ago. I must admit, like many people I did spend some time doubting that it would materialise… That was until a few months ago when the David Barth, the man behind the camera, got in touch with me to ask if I would like to beta test it. Since then, I have been enjoying using the camera as well as getting involved in the latter stages of the development.

This whole process has given something of an insight both into the camera itself, but also David’s motivations when it comes to building it, and indeed his plans for its future.
I am yet to write a full review of the camera, not least because the various versions of it that I have been using haven’t been final production cameras, but I did write something of a primer into the camera, which can be found here.
I had a quick chat with David this morning, he’s pretty excited to finally be announcing the Pixii’s availability, has been thrilled at the amount of attention the launch has already had, and is already trying to deal with the issues of coping with demand – in his words “It’s a good problem to have, and the one we secretly wished for”.
I’m excited for him too! This thing has been a long time in the making, and frankly, I’m beyond impressed that he’s made it this far. I’m just looking forward to getting my hands on the final production camera.
If you’re as excited as me and want to order one of the first batch of Pixii cameras you can do so on their website here
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David on Pixii Connected Digital Rangefinder Available to Order!
Comment posted: 06/07/2020
Comment posted: 06/07/2020
jeremy north on Pixii Connected Digital Rangefinder Available to Order!
Comment posted: 06/07/2020
I know you've addressed some of these drawbacks in your article but where is the value of this product? You'll have a phone with you to link up with it. Why not use the phone to take the snaps which is all this camera is built to do. Sorry to be so grumpy but a £3200 camera has to be special
Comment posted: 06/07/2020
Comment posted: 06/07/2020
Comment posted: 06/07/2020
Laurence Kesterson on Pixii Connected Digital Rangefinder Available to Order!
Comment posted: 06/07/2020
George Appletree Photography on Pixii Connected Digital Rangefinder Available to Order!
Comment posted: 06/07/2020
The rangefinder concept is overvalued.
BG on Pixii Connected Digital Rangefinder Available to Order!
Comment posted: 06/07/2020
Comment posted: 06/07/2020
Joe Brough on Pixii Connected Digital Rangefinder Available to Order!
Comment posted: 07/07/2020
Comment posted: 07/07/2020
Mike Watkins on Pixii Connected Digital Rangefinder Available to Order!
Comment posted: 07/07/2020
But. Where are the sample photos online? Dynamic range measurement in DB. What's that in stops at ISO 320 and how does the sensor respond in different lighting scenarious. Without this information and more, early adopters will be limited to people to whom £3.5K is pocket change.
For a project like this I would want some evidence of manufacturing expertise. How many Pixiis were available in the first production run? Are they still tuning their assembly procedures and will the next batch be assembled differently? It's a leap of faith to order one right now.
Comment posted: 07/07/2020
Eric on Pixii Connected Digital Rangefinder Available to Order!
Comment posted: 07/07/2020
1. M8 a summilux lens
2. M9 a cron lens
3. M240 VM/ZM Lenses or a cron
4. M262 VM
5. M-D (262 version) if you dont want screen.
I want to see more true rangefinder cameras and really wish alternative to Leica. But this is just hard to think if it can succeed. It really is not helping much when you are targeting specifically to people who are already own Leica gears rather than convincing new comers like Fuji did with they Rangerfinder style.
Maybe if they can secure the next investment after the first launch they can massively reduce the production cost and price will go down, like the VanMoof S2 --> S3 ebike. But that means a lot of first round supporters will have to suck up to the price.
Comment posted: 07/07/2020
Mike Watkins on Pixii Connected Digital Rangefinder Available to Order!
Comment posted: 07/07/2020
Alex on Pixii Connected Digital Rangefinder Available to Order!
Comment posted: 08/07/2020
Huss` on Pixii Connected Digital Rangefinder Available to Order!
Comment posted: 08/07/2020
5, 10, 100?
Michael Mak on Pixii Connected Digital Rangefinder Available to Order!
Comment posted: 08/07/2020
Think it's too expensive? Don't buy it.
Potential image quality not up to par? Great, go use another camera
Issues with the ease of use or practicality? You are not the target market for this product.
At the end of the day, the release of this product will impact 100% of the whiners in 0 negative ways. I always find it interesting that people spend so much time and effort to B$#@ about things that will not affect them in anyway.
For the tiny niche market this product DOES appeal to, it will have made those people happy.
Rather than celebrating innovation or creativity in a declining industry, we criticize and judge for the audacity for a product to not meet the COMPLETE needs of your own personal requirements.
Guess what? Canon/Nikon/Leica have been trying to cater to the masses for the last 50 years. The result? The camera industry is shrinking faster than ever before.
We have a bunch of arm-chair Bresson's with too much time on our hands to whine about a product they will never use.
The Pixii may fail, it may not. At the end of the day it tried to bring something different to the table and I feel it should be commended for it.
Comment posted: 08/07/2020
Stephan on Pixii Connected Digital Rangefinder Available to Order!
Comment posted: 09/07/2020
Zoltan on Pixii Connected Digital Rangefinder Available to Order!
Comment posted: 12/07/2020
I would love to hear about what the SDK / API offers on a Pixii, since you wrote: "it has a developer interface that gives access to the whole computer system".
Sometimes I use the live histogram on my camera to set exposure to the highlights (see here Sean's excellent description for details: