The world is apparently getting warmer, but the hottest summer in my lifetime was surely the summer of 1976, a blisteringly warm period in a so-called troubled year. The prime minister Harold Wilson resigned seemingly out of the blue. We had been at war with Iceland over fish. Britain was also bailed out by the International Monetary Fund after the pound fell from over $2 to $1.6 by September (in 2017, it is way below $1.6). I was not ten years old, and that summer seemed to go on for the cliched forever.
The lawns turned brown and cracks appeared in the earth wide enough to wedge the toe of your trainers in. I spent many an afternoon in the park with my brother Paul, him messing around with an OM1, both of us dodging swarming bees and walking our grandad’s cairn terrier Archie.

Now that’s over 40 years ago, so marvel I do at my Ricoh 500GX, complete with pristine case and plastic lens cap, which looks like it has just left the production line in Taiwan and been zipped forward 4 decades by Doctor Emmett Brown in his DeLorean to my local post office depot. I can only assume this camera was bought, and then seldom used, before being stuffed away at the back of a sock drawer and eventually forgotten about, the light seals slowly and silently turning into that all-too-familiar black sticky goo that Bostik should market.

The Ricoh 500GX to me looks half rangefinder, half cigarette advertisement; evoking the black, silver and red livery of Marlboro Mclaren’s formula 1 racing car in which James Hunt won the 1976 drivers’ championship. This was back in the day when smoking, drinking and womanising seemed easy bedfellows with professional sport. How the world has changed. How utterly dull in comparison our sporting heroes are now. Bjorn Borg looked just as much a weed toking guitar man as a professional tennis player; so cool and human when set against some of today’s racket wielding automatons.
Misogyny has no place in the world, but we now have sugary drink purveyors and mass produced fast food makers sponsoring major sporting events instead of cigarette manufacturers. We’ve swapped the sponsored spectre of lung cancer for diabetes and heart disease. Elite sportsmen and sportswomen now have to be inscrutable under the constant media glare (or is it surveillance?). I am not sure if all this constitutes progress.
But I am getting off track. I don’t want this article to be all about some middle aged grumpy bastard’s rant about the world today. I want to celebrate a chunky, boxy, yet brilliant little camera, well suited to street photography.

So, apart from looking like a miniature fag advertisement the Ricoh 500GX is a small fixed-lens rangefinder camera with full manual control and shutter priority options, as well as a multiple exposure feature which I am looking forward to trying. You have to work within the limitations of a 40mm f/2.8 mm Color Rikenon lens, a top shutter speed of 1/500th second, and a small and awkward aperture ring tucked in too close to the camera body and obstructed by the self timer lever. The fiddly aperture ring encouraged me to stick to shutter priority, and operating in this mode there are no frustrations.

Shutter priority on the Ricoh 500GX is engaged by turning the aperture ring to a green letter ‘A’ and leaving it there. The camera is now in charge of choosing the correct aperture based on the film speed (set by a dial at the front of the lens with ASA numbers in green and DIN in red), the CdS metered exposure, and the shutter speed set by the photographer on the shutter speed dial around the lens barrel.
The viewfinder is bright enough with a distinctive yet small diamond shaped rangefinder patch and a very good cream and red aperture scale running up the right hand side of the screen with a match needle indicating the camera’s chosen aperture. Unfortunately, shutter speed is not displayed, but there are only seven clicks from 1/500th- 1/8th to memorise.
Metering power is provided by a 303 silver oxide battery, a cell with a slightly higher voltage than the original PX675. Be sure though to turn the shutter speed dial to the ‘B’ setting when not in use, or the camera will greedily eat away at the battery power with relentless metering while apparently dormant. There is no ‘Off’ switch as such.

Out and about in Redcar and Middlesbrough, with new light seals, I discovered the Ricoh 500 GX to be an enjoyable camera to use. The shutter is quiet enough for the street, and I found the shutter lock a reassuring and handy feature. I am delighted with the camera’s output. However, the combination of the small rangefinder patch and 50 year old eyes made focusing a bit on the slow side. For the black and white Middlesbrough shots I preset focus and exposure and just pointed and pressed.

Get yourself a Rioch 500GX, if you can find one. They seem as scarce as water in 1976.
No, 1976 wasn’t all bad. Read a bit of history. Draw your own conclusions. Compare it to 2017. As Harold Wilson’s successor, James Callaghan said, “a lie can go halfway round the world before the truth gets its boots on”.
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StephenJ on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 09/09/2017
Oh, and were your trainers Hi-Tec?
Comment posted: 09/09/2017
Wayne Carey on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 09/09/2017
Comment posted: 09/09/2017
Mika on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 09/09/2017
The only thing I miss is some slower shutter speed, but it's not that important !
Comment posted: 09/09/2017
Dan Castelli on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 09/09/2017
And yet, an article on a camera and a recap of the years from '76 to 2017 has put a smile on my face. Good photos, nice recap of a journey and a bright future.
In no way do I want to minimize the weather dangers, but thanks for a timely article.
Comment posted: 09/09/2017
Arko on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 09/09/2017
Comment posted: 09/09/2017
Christos Theofilogiannakos on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 09/09/2017
Comment posted: 09/09/2017
Stuart Herrington on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 09/09/2017
A lot of people complain about the small rangefinder patch, but i find it's just right, considering i have to guess with the Demi due to it being a viewfinder camera.
Comment posted: 09/09/2017
Victor Bezrukov on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 12/09/2017
thank you very much
Comment posted: 12/09/2017
Fernando Ruiz on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 14/09/2017
Comment posted: 14/09/2017
FERNEL QUINTERO DIAZ on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 26/12/2017
Comment posted: 26/12/2017
paul elcock on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 19/06/2018
When I saw your photos I first thought they were of New Brighton on the Wirral which has a similar melancholy run down vibe, which was my stomping ground growing up.
From my teenage Ricohing experience,I saved up and bought myself a Pentax mx 50mm as an 18th present to myself. I still use it as well. I do digital but in recent years have increasingly returned to film, developing black and white and then scanning the negs.
I have got into MF with a trusty 1954 Rolleiflex 3.5mx and various vintage folders. Really enjoy trying out old gear and making it work again.
Meanwhile if I want something quick and light to take out the Ricoh still delights me with the images it produces.
Comment posted: 19/06/2018
Mandy M on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 27/08/2018
I have recently purchased one online (i 90% believe it still works), and loaded it with a roll of ISO400 B&W film. I am no way of a professional photographer - far form it, I haven't messed with film photography since my college years. Even then, it was straight forward enough to not mess up too much.
I bought a fuji x100t about a year plus ago for all shooting purpose use, but mainly to increase my photography knowledge. It did but I am hoping with stripping it down to film, it will help even more. But with this Ricoh, I found myself scratching my head a little esp with the dials and some of the functions. So I hope you could help explain to me with some of these qs which may seem silly to you..
1. Even after loading my cam with ISO400 film, the DIN ASA still remains at 100/21 - is that normal, shouldn't it be at 400/... ? To clarify, i did not put in the battery as my first intention is to check if this camera is still working properly without a battery. Could no-battery be the problem? Or is there a way for me to change the settings?
2. Could you pls explain to me how does the "Multi" function work? I have tried to understand it from the manual i found online, I think I get it but at the same time I'm not sure if I do.
Sorry if this is a bit long winded. This is my first vintage camera. And I hope with this camera (if it works), it'll help improve my photography knowledge. Thank you in advance! Much appreciated.
Comment posted: 27/08/2018
Andy Clad on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 02/12/2018
Thanks for a great review. I really enjoyed your take on the world.
I fondly remember 76 and managed to nearly break an ankle in one of those drought cracks at our local recreation ground while trying to kick a football some distance.
I started to get into film and rangefinders probably about 7 years ago, just before the prices went through the roof and own 2 very nice Ricoh rangefinders. Lovely cameras.
Please keep writing your reviews. I'm enjoying your humour immensely.
Comment posted: 02/12/2018
Ricoh FF-9 review - Kosmo Foto on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 23/10/2021
Fernando Gutierrez on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 07/01/2022
I've recently bought a Ricoh 500GX, and I didn't tested yet, because I'm having a hard time to understand how the lightmeter works. Looking on the user's manual of the camera, I read this (quote):
"Look into the viewfinder and you will observe two red zones (one at the upper right-hand corner and the other lower right-hand corner) and lens opening numbers in between. The upper red zone is the warning mark for overexposure and the lower red zone is for underexposure. If the exposure meter needle is in the upper red zone, set Shutter Speed Ring at a faster speed. If you find the needle in the lower red zone, use a slower shutter speed."
At this point I understood everything. But then I kept reading, and things become...odd:
And I quote: "If the needle stays between two red zones, this indicates correct exposure (obviously) and the number such as 2.8 or 4 or 5.6 indicated by the needle tells you the lens opening at which you are going to make exposure".
So, this is what I don't understand: the light meter show me when I'm under or over exposing the shot, and when I am correctly exposing the shot??, or only indicates the aperture and doing that is not a lightmeter??..I'm totally lost right here, because I can't figure out how read the light meter.
If you or somebody that read this can help me, I will be very grateful!!
Sorry if my English has some issues, I'm native Spanish speaker :) .
Thanks a lot!!!!!!
Comment posted: 07/01/2022
Viktor on Ricoh 500GX Review – Spirit of ’76 – by Chris Pattison
Comment posted: 14/05/2023
From Sweden
Comment posted: 14/05/2023