Firstly, I would like to confess my undying love for Kodak Gold 100. It has been one of my favourite film stocks to shoot for years, and sadly it’s not a film that you can walk into a store and buy anymore. I have 1 roll left in my fridge that I’m saving for the perfect outing once it presents itself, but as of December 2018 it is yet to manifest. I’m told Pro Image 100 is the equivalent but I haven’t tried some yet.
Before I purchased this camera, I was shooting on Prakticas, more specifically a MTL3 and a LLC. I loved them, but they were heavy and clunky. The shutter sounded like a gun going off, and I was very into street photography at the time so it was distracting and awkward. Plus my LLC had a problem that I still can’t put my finger on. It overexposed and washed out any image I made with it regardless of settings. So I hit the thrift stores near my house and found an Olympus OM10 with the F. Zuiko 50mm f1.8 and a Tokina 135 f2 for a ridiculously good price. I can’t remember exactly what that price was but I can tell you it wasn’t what thrift stores are charging these days!
A day later and a fresh pack of batteries (which are easily bought in any grocery store) and a roll of Kodak Gold 100 loaded up, I ventured into town with a friend to try out my new lightweight set up. The combination of the two resulted in sharp, vivid images with extremely fine grain! The OM10 was a joy to use in every way, and the Kodak Gold was just fantastic on the bright summers day.
I personally love the warmer feel of Kodak films, and the Gold 100 handled orange’s exceptionally well, as referenced in the shot of the Queen Victoria Building.
However, it didn’t handle skin tones favourably so I would shy away from using it for portraiture, unless you have very fair skin like myself and could benefit from a tan reminiscent of President Trump’s.

If you made it this far, I appreciate you giving me some of your time to read my experience shooting with this set up. Remember, stay broke and shoot film!
Instagram: @gavinbain
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Tia Simmons on 5 Frames With An Olympus OM10 – Gavin Bain
Comment posted: 10/01/2019
:D tell me about it :)
James on 5 Frames With An Olympus OM10 – Gavin Bain
Comment posted: 10/01/2019
I have 2 OM-1s (not 10s) and adore them. I upgraded to the 1.4 50mm Zukio lens and it is by far my favorite piece of glass.
Comment posted: 10/01/2019
Gaston on 5 Frames With An Olympus OM10 – Gavin Bain
Comment posted: 10/01/2019
lori_brooks on 5 Frames With An Olympus OM10 – Gavin Bain
Comment posted: 10/01/2019
Tom on 5 Frames With An Olympus OM10 – Gavin Bain
Comment posted: 11/01/2019
John Edwards on 5 Frames With An Olympus OM10 – Gavin Bain
Comment posted: 12/01/2019
Robert on 5 Frames With An Olympus OM10 – Gavin Bain
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Gordon Bennet on 5 Frames With An Olympus OM10 – Gavin Bain
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David James on 5 Frames With An Olympus OM10 – Gavin Bain
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Steven Cremer on 5 Frames With An Olympus OM10 – Gavin Bain
Comment posted: 12/03/2024