I bought this camera because I’d tried to use its half-frame sister the Mesupii in the past, but had failed. There was a mechanical problem with the winding. I still wanted to try a very simple camera – then this one showed up at a bargain price. I knew this camera would be very limited, like the Mesupii.
To give you an idea of how simple this camera is I’d like you to picture a Brownie-type box camera. To take a picture with the Brownie you just press the release. In some cases you get one where you can choose between one to three aperture settings. When you’ve taken the picture you wind on ’til you see the next digit in the little red hole. And remember to not expect focus in less than 1,5 to two meters.
The above description can be used for the Harmony camera.
You wind the film – a motion which also cocks the shutter – choose your aperture of choice (8, 11, 22), point and click! It’s that easy. I used a 400 ASA film which got me better shadow details. I suspect that the shutter exposes at 1/60th of a second.
I don’t mind using limited cameras, and they usually produce pictures – even a shoe box with a pinhole would – so why not. These are not the type of pictures I want particularly pin-sharp.

Thank you for reading!
See my blog tobbetecknare.blogspot.se!
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CJS on 5 frames with a Meikai EL/Harmony – A 35mm box camera with a rangefinder face – by Tobias Eriksson
Comment posted: 11/08/2019
Have you come across the divine Meikai Mango Camera?
Comment posted: 11/08/2019
Keith Tomlinson on 5 frames with a Meikai EL/Harmony – A 35mm box camera with a rangefinder face – by Tobias Eriksson
Comment posted: 11/08/2019
My approach with my Olympus Trip and Rollei 35 are pretty similar to be honest.
Comment posted: 11/08/2019
Roger B on 5 frames with a Meikai EL/Harmony – A 35mm box camera with a rangefinder face – by Tobias Eriksson
Comment posted: 11/08/2019
Comment posted: 11/08/2019
Peter on 5 frames with a Meikai EL/Harmony – A 35mm box camera with a rangefinder face – by Tobias Eriksson
Comment posted: 11/08/2019
Comment posted: 11/08/2019