The Fuji Tiara is a tiny, wide-angle point and shoot from the mid-nineties. It was called the DL Super Mini in Europe but mine came in its original clothes from Japan. Ben Murhaaya wrote a good review of it on here a couple of years ago.
When Hamish suggested this ‘5 frames with…’ feature the Tiara came immediately to mind because I’ve been using it a lot recently at home and when travelling. It really is so brilliantly small and simple!
The main reason to use this camera apart from size and weight is its wide and very nice lens. It’s quite contrasty and very sharp. The camera also seems to meter accurately in most situations. I don’t really use the exposure modes or manual focus options but have seen people online who appreciate them. This is not a tough camera, it has lots of plastic parts and my copy has some dings – I also had to repair the lens door a few months ago after some less than careful handling at a party.
Anyhow, here are five shots from the last year or so from walks around Oxford mixed with two from a trip to Venice earlier in the summer.

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Stig on 5 frames with a Fuji Tiara ii – by Eddy
Comment posted: 12/10/2017
Comment posted: 12/10/2017
Dan James on 5 frames with a Fuji Tiara ii – by Eddy
Comment posted: 12/10/2017
Comment posted: 12/10/2017
Joni on 5 frames with a Fuji Tiara ii – by Eddy
Comment posted: 12/10/2017
Comment posted: 12/10/2017
Michael Rennie on 5 frames with a Fuji Tiara ii – by Eddy
Comment posted: 12/10/2017
Comment posted: 12/10/2017
Dexter on 5 frames with a Fuji Tiara ii – by Eddy
Comment posted: 13/10/2017
Eddy Lambert on 5 frames with a Fuji Tiara ii – by Eddy
Comment posted: 13/10/2017
John on 5 frames with a Fuji Tiara ii – by Eddy
Comment posted: 05/11/2017
Peter Boorman on 5 frames with a Fuji Tiara ii – by Eddy
Comment posted: 01/03/2018
I hope having said that that I'll seem helpful (as I intend) rather than churlish in pointing out that the island centre frame in the first picture is San Giorgio Maggiore, with Giudecca the one coming in at the edge of the frame.
Comment posted: 01/03/2018
Andy Allen on 5 frames with a Fuji Tiara ii – by Eddy
Comment posted: 05/05/2019
I have a question about the Tiara: Looking at the Tiara user manual, I see that it has exposure lock with a half-press of the shutter. But does that (or some other procedure) lock exposure? My concern is underexposure of backlit subjects. I see that it has a backlit mode that gives 2EV, but I'm not sure that that would be enough for the common doorway, restaurant window, etc. backlighting situations.
Ian Do Carmo on 5 frames with a Fuji Tiara ii – by Eddy
Comment posted: 04/10/2019
Kurt Ingham on 5 frames with a Fuji Tiara ii – by Eddy
Comment posted: 22/10/2022