I foolishly said I wanted to do one of these when I’d had a drink and read Hamish’s tweet about his idea for a new series of articles, then I sobered up and realised I’d better follow through with it….hence this, welcome to the wonderful world of the Olympus Auto Eye. Granddaddy of the far more famous Trip, and to be frank not as pocketable or good but a little bit different than that camera everyone has heard of, shot and/or written about.
I got given mine by a friend who dumped it on me along with some other cameras, because yes I am THAT guy, the camera guy. It’s about the size of a small house brick, weighs about the same, has a 45mm f2.8 lens, an auto exposure mode and a delightfully satisfying sounding shutter.
It does what it says on the tin and looks exactly like you’d think a camera from the early 60’s would look. So anyway here’s a few images taken on it, it’s not the greatest camera in the world but the lens is ok, it’s certainly nice to use, it’s built solidly of metal and as we all know; “weight is good, if it doesn’t work you can hit him with it”, or something like that. All the images are on Agfa Vista 200 (the cheapskate’s choice).

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Chris Pattison on 5 Frames with an Olympus Auto Eye – by Ed Worthington
Comment posted: 17/09/2017