Finally. After more than two weeks of nothing but dark and grey skies in the Netherlands this weekend presented me with some light. That also meant a temperature below 0 degrees Celsius but I take it as it is. A couple of weeks earlier I was still taking photographs in the south of Vietnam with some very pleasant temperatures. But when I returned there was nothing but cold, and almost no light to work with. And since I love to shoot film that is quite a big bummer.
So as soon as the opportunity was there I had to take it!
Out into the cold I went. Big winter coat. My trusty Nikon FM2n and a couple of rolls of Ilford HP5+ 400 shot at EI1600 and then pushed two stops.
I like to push my film. It still looks amazing and the advantage of high shutter speeds with good light and workable shutter speeds with low light gives me everything I need.
Also… All those dark and grey days never gave me a real chance to try out my new 35mm F2 Nikkor AI lens. Well of course not brand new… But new in my possession. Unfortunately they don’t make lenses like that anymore.
Out I went into the city center of my home town. Harlem. The real one, next to Amsterdam. Not the neighborhood in New York.
Aperture on f/8. Zone focus ready. And just being there.
Finally seeing some sun and doing what I love.

Thanks for reading my little contribution!
And if your are interested you can find me in the following locations:
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Daniel Castelli on 5 Frames with a Nikon FM2n and Ilford HP5+ 400 – By Cristian Geelen
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
Thanks for sharing pics of daily life in your town. They once again prove that people are people no matter where you go. This is now more important to share in an era that seems to be filled with stories about our divisions.
One question. You mentioned you were in Viet Nam. Did you shoot film? What was your experience passing through security checkpoints with film? I carry film when we travel overseas. I always suffer extreme angst when we are being processed through security. I've been lucky that no film has been ruined.
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
graham line on 5 Frames with a Nikon FM2n and Ilford HP5+ 400 – By Cristian Geelen
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
Lori Brooks on 5 Frames with a Nikon FM2n and Ilford HP5+ 400 – By Cristian Geelen
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
J-Leman on 5 Frames with a Nikon FM2n and Ilford HP5+ 400 – By Cristian Geelen
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
I’m using the same set-up when I travel mostly, right up to the hp5 . Though I’m thinking of selling away my 35mm f2 ai as I’ve acquired the older ai converted nkj nikkor-o 35mm and love it more. Hp5 really do indeed start to shine when pushed. I can’t remember the last time I shot it at box speed.
I’ve checked out your portfolio and Instagram account and love the images you showcased. Nicely done!
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
Garth Buckles on 5 Frames with a Nikon FM2n and Ilford HP5+ 400 – By Cristian Geelen
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
I am impressed with your photos and especially like the second one. I'm also impressed with the look of the HP5 pushed two stops. I expected to see more grain but they look quite nice. Is that your normal EI when you use HP5?
Thanks for the post. I enjoyed it. Wishing you sunny skies.
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
220mya on 5 Frames with a Nikon FM2n and Ilford HP5+ 400 – By Cristian Geelen
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
Dan Castelli on 5 Frames with a Nikon FM2n and Ilford HP5+ 400 – By Cristian Geelen
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
I understand that security personnel are doing a stressful, thankless job. A smile, patience, and an acknowledgement that they are human goes a long way. I’ve got to work the film angle next time ????.
Comment posted: 16/02/2019
benno karkabe on 5 Frames with a Nikon FM2n and Ilford HP5+ 400 – By Cristian Geelen
Comment posted: 17/02/2019