Atlanta Film Co. is adding another film to its cine line-up, this time a black-and-white option called XX. XX, also known as “Double X”, is a medium-speed film with fine grain, 36 exposures, and no rem-jet layer.
The film is Kodak’s Eastman Double-X cinema offering 5222/7222. It can be used in daylight at 250 ISO (5500K) or under tungsten lighting (3200K) at 200 ISO.
EASTMAN DOUBLE-X is designed for general production use outdoors and in the studio, in dim light and anywhere you need greater depth of field without increased illumination. – Kodak Eastman Double-X techinical information sheet
The retail price is $9.99 (USD) and can be purchased on Atlanta Film Co.’s website here. The canister comes without a DX code. It is ready to ship now and can also be found in store at Dunwoody Photo in Atlanta, GA, USA.

Processing services are available to purchase through Atlanta Film Co.’s website which will be completed in partnership with Dunwoody Photo. The website says at the moment the film will be processed in traditional black and white chemistry using Ilfotec RT Rapid but soon they will be offering D96 processing. D96 is the chemical process originally recommended by Kodak. (Source: Atlanta Film Co.)

Double-X was originally released in 1959. It was used in many Hollywood feature films such as Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List and Martin Scorsese’s Raging Bull. It is still used today in films such as The Lighthouse (2019) and Bait (2019) filmed in Cornwall, UK. (Source: Kodak Shot on Film Blog)
In a post exploring the use of Double-X on The Lighthouse, DP Jarin Blaschke said, “I am a big proponent of film – I would shoot nearly everything on film if I could – and Rob is even more-so after or experience on The Lighthouse. The DOUBLE-X we used is wildly different from contemporary color film, but what it does share, though, is a physical presence in the image. With film, there is the tonal depth of how things look in life. But there’s more: film delivers the magical effect of transporting you somewhere else, to the unmistakable world of the movies.” (Source: Kodak Shot on Film Blog)
To learn more about the release from Atlanta Film Co. head over to their website here or follow their journey on Instagram here.
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Fred Nelson on NEWS: Atlanta Film Co. Adds Classic Double-X Cinema Film to Lineup
Comment posted: 22/01/2023
Comment posted: 22/01/2023