Indie publisher F2.8 Press has released the latest issue of Archive zine which features a collection of images from photographer Lisa Pavlova’s project “They, Too, are America” which documents the Black Lives Matter protests in New York City during 2020.
Lisa’s work captures the protest participants of New York City across thirteen events held during 2020. Having left Russia in 2018, she wanted to use her images and project as a way to show people back home that the BLM protests were not as the state media had often portrayed them to be.

A Contrast in Protests
Speaking to Lisa, she tells me about the contrast in her first-hand experience of protests in both Russia and the USA:
“I was born and raised in Moscow, Russia, and watched it become a nice place before my eyes, and then falling apart. In December 2011 I participated in protests after unfair elections. My first protest march was the biggest event since the early 1990s, it was the first march for many people. I remember how it was funny to run away from the police. Everybody knew that they could detain you, but would set you free in the evening, and chances are very low (especially for girls).” – Lisa Pavlova
After this experience, Lisa participated in more protests but things began to change.
“The police started to get brutal with protestors. 15 days of detention, which was unthinkable in 2011, became a regular thing. One of the last protests I participated in, happened when it was already impossible to organize anything visible. People who tried to show signs or screamed anything were arrested in a matter of seconds. So the whole idea of that event was to quietly walk down the main street sidewalk for a mile, then cross the street and go back. No signs, no megaphones, no road closures, just walking down the sidewalk. Words can’t describe how terrified I was to do it.” – Lisa Pavlova
Lisa’s first BLM protest was almost the polar opposite of her previous experience in her home country.
“I was shocked how people were open to talking to me and being captured (no one would agree in Russia, no one would want someone to have evidence they protested since it’s basically illegal). So it was interesting, how on one hand, people were comfortable protesting, but on the other hand, the whole process was started by police brutality.” – Lisa Pavlova
Lisa continues her documentary work with a current project focused on couples where one person is from Ukraine and the other from Russia. You can see more about the project on her website linked here. As the project is ongoing, Lisa is still looking for couples who are willing to be photographed so if anyone would be interested in participating, she can be contacted via her webpage here.
Archive is shipping now and if you are interested in picking up a copy, then head over to the F2.8 store here.

About F2.8 Press
F2.8 Press is an independent publisher based in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. It was founded by John Pemberton and aims to create zines focused on photographers rather than a specific genre or subject. John is a 35mmc contributor and has received submissions for Archive from the community here. The beginnings of his idea to establish F2.8 Press can be seen in a couple of published articles here and here.

Artist Updates
F2.8 Press has an active group of associated artists and they have published several additional news items relating to exhibitions and contributions.
Pemberton had three images selected for inclusion at the Midwest Center for Photography’s (MWCP) May exhibition “Plant Life” and June exhibition “Blue”. The MWCP can be found in Wichita, Kansas, and has quite a few calls for entries open at the moment. Check out the call for entries on their webpage here. Additionally, John had articles published on both Live View and 35mmc in July.
In other artist news, “Burn the Edge” photographer Rod Sot will have images on display at Fulle Galeria de Fotografia Contenporanea in Buenos Aires, Argentina opening July 7. He was also interviewed about his collection of Street images titled “Synthedoche” at Zaptronic.
Scott Phillips’ image “Parachute” which was on the cover of the “Liminal State” issue of Archive has been selected for inclusion in the “Joy” exhibition presented by the Atlanta Photography Group. The exhibition runs until July 31.
Alexander Toms, contributing editor for F2.8 Press, had work in the “Of One Heart” exhibition at the Hoy Polloy Gallery in Indianapolis. He also has three images involved in the “Changing Views: The Photography of Dorothea Lange” exhibition for emerging artists at the Eiteljorg Museum of Native and Western Art, Indianapolis, IN running until August 6.
Upcoming Archive photographers, Cynthia Whelen, and Lawrence Lazare are contributing writers for the recently launched photography publication “Live View” at Medium.
Archive’s Next Issue
Something else to look out for, the next issue of Archive will feature Pemberton’s “The Hope Project” which can be viewed in more detail at the link here. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to John’s local “Out of the Darkness” walk in the name and memory of his goddaughter. Pre-sales are planned to open in September with shipping to start in October.
If you would like to stay updated with F2.8 Press news and artists or find out more information about the publisher and pick up a copy of Archive, head over to the main webpage here.
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Richard Noll on NEWS: Indie Publisher F2.8 Press Latest Zine Features Lisa Pavlova’s BLM Protest Project “They, Too, are America”
Comment posted: 28/07/2023