I was a devoted and habitual attendee at Le Mans in the late 80s and early 90s, having discovered it in my youth when the start of the legendary race was a rare and short item o...
Nik Stanbridge's Posts
29 December, 2021
The Influence of Other Artists on my Work – By Nik Stanbridge
We’re all subject to influences whether we know what they are and/or acknowledge them or not. As visual artists we’re influenced by our environment, other artists and photograph...
22 December, 2021
The Influence of Movies on my Work – By Nik Stanbridge
I saw Michelangelo Antonioni’s Blow Up the other day for the umpteenth time and while it is a film that when I first saw it I did get excited about being a photograp...
16 December, 2021
The Joy of Photobooks – By Nik Stanbridge
Back in the early 1980s, in my 20s and in my formative photographic years, I read a lot of books about the craft and practice of photography. This obviously contributed enormous...
3 November, 2021
What do you do with all the photographs you take? Who actually sees them? – By Nik Stanbridge
In the olden days, before domestic computers, sharing images shot on neg film was all about physical artefacts. In order to share your work you had to produce something tangible...
13 October, 2021
How Minimal Can You Go? How Minimal Is Too Far? – By Nik Stanbridge
How minimalist can you go and still represent a subject when the photograph appears to be almost abstract and of nothing at all?
I’ve been photographing the ground beneath our ...
The Olympus OM-1 was my first real camera, I bought it as-new in 1981, when I was a student, for £95. That was a lot of money in those days, and my bank account didn't recover f...
16 December, 2020
Why the Nikon F6 died (and What the Prospects of a Replacement are) – By Nik Stanbridge
There have been a few articles recently musing on the demise of the Nikon F6 35mm film camera to mark the fact that Nikon has withdrawn it from sale after a 16-year run. In writ...