15 September, 2023

A One Shot Story For Battle Of Britain Day

By Peter Roberts

Cutting a channel through the chalk of the North Downs from its source near Sevenoaks to where it joins the Thames near Dartford is the River Darent. Retaining the river’s...

30 August, 2023

A Pheasant Surprise (a One Shot Story)

By Jukka Reimola

This past spring I was in my study one day, desperately trying to bring a little cosmos to the prevailing chaos on my CD shelves. My study is situated to the rear of our  h...

19 July, 2023

The Drum Room (a One-Shot Story)

By Dave Powell

During a brief period of unemployment more than 20 years ago, I offered my untrained photographic services to my sister-in-law Nancy. She was a leading realtor in Coldwell-Banke...

28 June, 2023

The Pop Up Herb Stall – A One Shot Story

By Peter Roberts

London's Chinatown probably needs no introduction, it must be on the to do list of every tourist. But go there in the morning, as early as possible, and it presents a different ...

14 June, 2023

Older than Dirt (a One-Shot Story)

By Dave Powell

No, I’m not talking about me. Though I have been accused! This story’s about lichen-- a YinYang symbiosis of two organisms: A fungus that harvests minerals for both from their...