2 February, 2016

An evening at home with a Leica M8(!)

By Hamish Gill

I've borrowed a Leica M8! I have been using it since lunch time, and already feel like I have a lot to say about the experience. Perhaps a review is on the cards...? Time will t...

28 January, 2016

Birthday no.33

By Hamish Gill

It was my 33rd birthday the other day. As is traditional on such occasions I went out for a large Laphroaig or 2 (possibly a few more than 2). Another tradition is of course tak...

15 November, 2015

Carters Steam Fair

By Hamish Gill

A few weeks ago we went down to Reading for the day to visit some family and friends. The wife is from down that way so we quite often take a day trip down there. On this occasi...

6 November, 2015

F8 team head shots

By Hamish Gill

We’ve taken on some new staff at work recently, and as such decided it about time we all had new team head shots, or at least everyone else’s were brought inline wit...