I am a camera collector and have cameras in formats from Minox to 5×7 and I have shot most of them. I am also a photography addict and have to get out every week or s...
This subminGAS is a dangerous thing! I was recently tempted by a Pentax Auto 110, being sold locally for not much more than ‘spares or repair” money and described ...
I perked up listening to a recent podcast when one of the hosts mentioned he had owned 5 Rollei A110 cameras and none of them worked. I realized that I might have already ...
In the past, I’ve tended to review some high-end 110 cameras. The release of Lomography’s recent 110 camera was a timely reminder that some quite decent ‘In...
Lomography has brought the film community another treat. Say hello to the adorable Lomomatic 110 camera! 35mmc obtained a loaner copy of this camera for review so we are going t...
I was given my first camera when I was seven. My grandfather’s Box Brownie. Ever since then, and I’m seventy now, I’ve collected Kodak cameras. The second on...
Reading several excellent articles, here and elsewhere, introduced me to an area of photography I had only considered as snap-shooter territory, the 110 Pocket Instamatics. This...
About a year ago, I had the idea of running film through a couple of borrowed 110 cameras and possibly writing up a review. This seems to have ended up as a mini odyssey around ...