My story with film photography is a bit recent. I’ve started shooting 35mm film last year around May, which was actually just three months after buy my first DSLR camera. Before that, I just took pictures with my cellphone, but nothing really serious.
At the time I decided to dive in the world of photography, I was facing some problems and taking pictures was a way of stress out some thoughts: it was the way that I found to express myself. It turned out that photography has become a kind of therapy for me, a therapy I try to do when I have a time off of the university.
These pictures were taken on a Nikon F3 (which was my first and still being my only film camera) with a Nikon AF 50mm f/1.8D. They are from the fifth roll I’ve shoot since I’ve started (unfortunately, here in Brazil film photography is somewhat expensive).
The film that I used was the Kodak Tri-X 400. As long as it was the first time that I used black and white film, I didn’t know what exactly expect. Moreover, I was a bit concerned about the exposures because of the lighting conditions: it was a sunny day and there were many shadows. So, since I don’t have a lot of experience, I was a bit afraid of make extremely contrasty expositions, however I ended up satisfied with the results.
The exposures where made in the City Park of São José dos Campos, a nearby city of São Paulo. They were self-scanned with a Pacific Image PrimeFillm 7200 and post-processed on Adobe Lightroom.

Some more of my work can be found on my instagram here
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Kodachromeguy on 5 frames with a Nikon F3 – by Eduardo Ribeiro
Comment posted: 03/05/2018
Comment posted: 03/05/2018
Matt on 5 frames with a Nikon F3 – by Eduardo Ribeiro
Comment posted: 08/05/2018
Scott on 5 frames with a Nikon F3 – by Eduardo Ribeiro
Comment posted: 16/08/2018
Just a suggestion: if you're shooting Tri-X and conditions are bright and contrasty, set the meter on 200 and develop roughly 10% less, or tell the lab to "pull one stop." Actually that's the way I shoot Tri-X (and HP-5) most of the time anyway. It's easy to add contrast in post, hard to reduce it.
Comment posted: 16/08/2018
Flavio Colker on 5 frames with a Nikon F3 – by Eduardo Ribeiro
Comment posted: 28/11/2018
The F3 has a spot meter.. read the shadows at 320asa and expose for them by closing your aperture by one stop. Let the high lights roll. Then you develop "normal". It will bring the iso down. Trix is wonderfull and elastic.
Nice lens. the 1.8 is better than 1.4 at controlling distortion.