5 frames with Nikkormat FT3 in Meidling, Wien

By Julian Tanase

Again, Vienna. There’s something about this city; it attracts me in a way that no other city does. The place is a dream come true for any photographer, be that medium of film or digital. For me, the beauty of the city is rendered best with film, but then again, I am not a digital user, so I would not even begin to presume.

For the last decade or so, every time I visited the city I was looking to photograph known and famous landmarks, such as the Hof, Schönbrunn, the old basilicas, and so forth. Rewarding as it was, I started to feel like this city is not just that; there has to be something else. I don’t know, another face or a different personality of this place. It has to be more than the Hof to Vienna.

So, this time I went and rented a hotel room in Meidling (Altmannsdorf), which is not the most fashionable side of the city, but It’s a nice neighbourhood in the 12th Bezirk (sector). Not very far from Schönbrunn. A very nice place indeed, working class and such, with a very good transportation connections to the Innerstadt and whatnot. Very comfortable, my opinion.

For three days, I enjoyed walking the streets of this neighbourhood; I found it liberating, if you understand me. Free from all the hubbub of the central Vienna, free from all the tourists that flood the streets like there is no tomorrow, free from the difficult choices when one has to decide what and how to shoot a certain monument or whatever. Beautiful as the street/landmark/etc photography may be, in famous or well-known cities, it is not without some stress, at least in my case. So little time, so many places, right?

Anyways, back to Meidling, where I felt, I was saying, extremely comfortable about snapping around. Liberating, was the term I used. It’s not very different from where I live, people here are miles away from the tourist avenues. Time slows down, it seemed to me; people are going about their usual business, kids playing, shop owners are greeting their regulars, grannies with their nephews coming and going.

As said, life here feels like it slows down, and to me this is a real incentive to spend a few days (albeit for a short period) in a not-so-central, “normal” place, as it were. There was a time when I would’ve hate staying anywhere else but in the bullseye of a city, but those times are long gone. I love going out, walk for miles with my camera, have a nice cuppa on a small terrace while enjoying a few pages of my Terry Pratchett’s wonderful series, get to know people and chat with them about well, nothing really. But the experience is something that go hand in hand with my photography; without trying to understand the place, I feel like my photographs are less vocal, less accurate to the feeling of the place I visit. I do hope this makes sense.

About the camera: this Nikkormat FT3 has been in my collection for a good number of years now. It suffered some damage (cracked screen, dented prism housing, meter wobbly and not to be trusted, film winding issues). I have decided to have it repaired, and so Oleg Khaliavin made a brilliant job: he restored the meter which is now dead accurate, cleaned the heck out the entire camera, film winding is a purrfect pleasure. Along with my Nikon FM3a and F2, this Nikkormat FT3 is my go camera currently. Thank you, Oleg !

Film wise, I chose a roll of Rollei 80s and one of Kentmere 100 shot at 80 (the fourth in this series). Dev and scan by my own hand. I am really please the way the Rollei 80s came out, with the Kentmere 100 not a shabby job either. I do hope you feel the same.

Thank you ever so much for taking the time to read this, appreciated!

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About The Author

By Julian Tanase
I am a traveller, entrepreneur, author and amateur photographer. A long time user of classic cameras and film, attracted mostly to photojournalism. I try to instigate people to see rather than look.
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Thomas Wolstenholme on 5 frames with Nikkormat FT3 in Meidling, Wien

Comment posted: 05/06/2024

I have never been to Wein, but your photographs of the Bezirk you visited could be almost anywhere in similar neighbourhoods of towns and cities in Austria or Germany; I can think easily of several I've visited. While I personally seldom find this subject matter interesting, what I really liked was the tonal range and quality of the images, particularly those outside of the Tschibo and the Barber Shop; could you please tell me which film was used, the Rollei or the Kentmere? While you noted the restored Nikkormat FT3, you didn't mention what lens you used. Whichever it was, or they were, I like the results.

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Julian Tanase on 5 frames with Nikkormat FT3 in Meidling, Wien

Comment posted: 05/06/2024

You are completely right, Thomas. The images are depicting places which do exist elsewhere, I mean one may find almost similar places in many towns or cities across the Western Europe, Austria and Germany of course included. What I wanted to emphasize was the "normality" of life in cities otherwise known or visited only for the touristic importance.

As said, the films used were Rollei 80s and Kentmere 100; here in this series, counting from the main one on top of the article, there is only two Kentmere 100 (the first one, on top of the article, and the Tchibo shop), the rest are Rollei 80s. The lens were Nikkor 50/2 AI and Nikkor 28/2.8 AIl it is easy to see which is which, I would guess.

Thank you for your kind comment, really appreciated !

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Gary Smith on 5 frames with Nikkormat FT3 in Meidling, Wien

Comment posted: 05/06/2024

My wife and I haven't been travelling as much as we had planned so it's always good to travel through someone else's eyes. Thanks for another travel opportunity and a great set of images!

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Julian Tanase replied:

Comment posted: 05/06/2024

Gary, I have always believed that one of the internet benefits is acquainting people from all over the places to far away countries and such. This is why I like being part of these internet communities, mainly because you see, learn and enjoy images of places where, most probably, I will never be able to visit in person. Thank you !


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Fred Nelson on 5 frames with Nikkormat FT3 in Meidling, Wien

Comment posted: 05/06/2024

Great pics with that camera!! Hope to see more

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Julian Tanase replied:

Comment posted: 05/06/2024

Fred, thank you. You can always see more here: www.juliantanase.com, hope you'll find something on your liking :)


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Tony Warren on 5 frames with Nikkormat FT3 in Meidling, Wien

Comment posted: 05/06/2024

Very enjoyable journey to take with you Julian. Very different to my memories of western Austria from many years ago. I love the bizarre scooterist with the bunch of flowers, the dapper gent and the lovely contrast between the totally relaxed phone user and the "Aktion" graphic. And the Nikon quality shines throughout. Thank you.

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Julian Tanase replied:

Comment posted: 05/06/2024

Tony, thank you, these are my favourites as well. Nikon did a good job preserving some images from a different angle in the city, like a breath of fresh air, as it were.


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Geoff Chaplin on 5 frames with Nikkormat FT3 in Meidling, Wien

Comment posted: 05/06/2024

Yes, a photo walk. An opportunity to see the real place and real people not tourists rushing to tick the next sight off their list. An opportunity to taste local coffee and cakes, chat to someone, play with an unusual or a familiar camera, and photograph the real world and your interaction with it. Lovely article and images!

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Julian Tanase replied:

Comment posted: 05/06/2024

Very much so, Geoff. It is the purpose of the series, to get a glimpse into the daily life of a place close (but really very far) to the hubbub of the city. Thank you !


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