For this 5 Frames with post I have a selection of 4 photos and one “statement” photo is from recent photo project. This post will be both about gear set and way of seeing things. The idea was to take a closer look at modern architecture in my city, Vilnius and to contemplate about style and geometry of structures and man (well, woman in this case :)).
Its interesting how idea about such photo set make me look differently to very familiar places.

I took all these photos with Pentax MZ-3 camera, Pentax-F SMC 50mm 1.7 lens on Ilford Delta 3200 film. This camera and lens is one of my favourite combos that I own and use since 2013. Pentax MZ-3 has very good balance of simplicity and automation; all camera controls are traditional, made in proper way – you can change all settings on flight, without taking camera from eye its light, has nice traditional design and its one of most “transperent” cameras I ever used. By word “transparent” I mean that I don’t think about camera at all when shooting, in some meaning it disappears – its just me and scene. Such bond with camera is important to me when I have to concentrate and dedicate all my limited capabilities into scene and composition.
50mm F 1.7 lens is my favourite from Pentax 50mm FF lens selection. While its not perfect, it has strongly pronounced character; at full F1.7 aperture this glass creates images with “old school”, “surreal” characteristics and I love it. You can see it in photo of wall with graffiti. Other pictures in this set were taken with stepped down aperture, somewhere at F8, because of need for deeper DOF and fast film.
Camera and lens is almost glued together, for some reason, when I use this camera, 99% I use it with this lens.
As for film – its Ilford Delta 3200 – love it for big pronounced grain and versatility – can shoot it during the day, even wide open with ND filter and can shoot with it at night.
Thanks for reading and enjoy!

You can find full camera review, lens review and stories about Delta3200 film in my website:
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Graham Ashton on 5 frames with a Pentax MZ-3 and SMC-F 50mm 1.7 lens by Aivaras
Comment posted: 19/10/2017
Dan James on 5 frames with a Pentax MZ-3 and SMC-F 50mm 1.7 lens by Aivaras
Comment posted: 19/10/2017