Kodak Technical Pan – Discovering the Joys of Expired Film – By Theo Swinscow

By Theo Swinscow

This isn’t a film review. These aren’t carefully selected photos. Last week, I went outside near my home with a roll of Kodak Technical Pan to make the most of some fog. The results seem to have got me excited enough to write out a few hundred rambling words over the next few paragraphs. So that’s what this is.

I’m generally not too keen on expired films. After the initial euphoric phase when I got back into film photography – trying out new film stocks in a new camera each week, pulling, pushing, in different developers, expired rolls I was given or found lying around in various places – I decided about 18 months ago to try and be a bit more restrained and thoughtful with what I use. It didn’t really work with cameras, but it did with film. Nowadays, I basically use HP5+, Portra 400, Provia 100F, and in certain specific situations Acros or Delta 3200. Now that I write it out, that’s still quite a lot. In any case, I moved away from expired film because I didn’t really feel I was getting much out of it. Other than the occasional nice photograph, I mostly got muddy colours or grain and didn’t have anywhere to go after learning from my mistakes, mainly because I didn’t have another roll of the stuff expired at the same time, kept in the same way etc. Compare that to Ilford HP5+, the 50 or so rolls I’ve shot over the last 18 months have allowed me to get a slightly better understanding of how the film works and reacts in particular situations. Don’t quote me on this though, I’m still very much an amateur.

black and white photo of a tree without leaves in the fog

So, I banished expired films. That is, until I bought a filter for my Rolleiflex from someone in Paris. I went to his house and experienced one of those great occasions you sometimes get in our hobby – going into a random stranger’s house and discovering a treasure trove. He used to own a repair shop in Paris but kept quite a bit of the equipment when he retired. When I say quite a bit, I mean enough to fill one floor of his house. The place was full: boxes everywhere with “Rolleiflex finder” or “Hasselblad screws” written on them. Collimators, speed testing machines, broken cameras, beautiful cameras. He showed me around, told me about a point and shoot that he modified for Cartier Bresson, showed me a print that Robert Doisneau gave him. When I came across a box full of expired film, I asked if I could take some. He seemed perplexed but was more than happy to give me a few rolls. I saw the Technical Pan in its stylish box and asked him about it. “Great film, very versatile, shame they don’t make it anymore”.

black and white photo of a chateau and a tree in the fog

Intrigued, I took it home and started searching. It turns out to be a fascinating film. I won’t go into much detail (because I don’t have it), but Technical Pan was a film made by Kodak for the military and can be used for a large number of applications: scientific uses, photomicrography, astronomy, electron-micrography, and pictorial. By the way, all this information is included in the little paper leaflet included with the roll… so cool! This is what you need to know if you’re going to use it for normal photography:

  • ISO is variable, depending on the contrast you’re looking for, and the developer you use. This is the table which Kodak includes with the film. (Once again, so cool!)
  • Technidol, the developer made by Kodak specifically for Technical Pan, is long since gone and you need to be extremely careful about which developer you use. Contrast can quickly become unmanageable.
  • Technical Pan leans to the red side of the spectrum, so shots outside can look a bit like you have a filter on
  • Grain is pretty much non-existent.
house in the fog with the sun reflecting off the shutters

Investigating further, I turned to the fantastic Vintage Film Shooters Facebook group. I was given a few ideas for different developers and some tips on the developing process, notably Mike Novak telling me to replace the stop bath with distilled water to prevent reticulation. I felt ready to take some pictures.

I loaded the film into my Olympus OM2n, took some photos then forgot about the film for 8 months.

Finally last week, during some unexpected thick fog around our home, I picked up the Olympus, put my favourite 28mm 2.8 on the camera and set out to take some more photos. I have a problem with foggy conditions. The world around us changes so dramatically that I tend to get fog-frenzy, a common illness where I start shooting at everything and anything I can. I walked up to a nearby château and finished the roll within minutes.

black and white photo. Wide-angle shot of a house surrounded by trees

I developed the roll as per instructions, taking extra care with my handling of the development tank, gently turning it rather than inverting it. A little over 10 minutes later, I saw the negatives. Thin, as I had been told to expect, but pictures were definitely there. The roll expired in 1997, that’s now quite a long time ago. It’s fascinating that we’re still able to get good results from something way past it’s life expectancy.

After scanning, I was really happy with the results: there’s no grain, the pictures at first glance look almost digital. Technical Pan might be known for its contrast, but there’s also some quite lovely midtones in some of the pictures. I just wish I’d been a bit more controlled and thoughtful about what I was taking photos of, I would have perhaps been able to take more care over composition. With a 28mm, lots of unwanted things can get in the frame, and it’s worth taking time to eliminate them.

As I looked over the pictures, I thought of two things. Firstly, I came back to the very reason I had stopped using expired film with a pang of regret: I had none left and most probably wouldn’t find any. In that respect, I seem to have got lucky. A 45m bulk roll came up for sale that very day on Leboncoin (French version of ebay), I snagged it up for a very decent price.  Secondly, I thought back to the perplexed look on the old expert’s face when I told him I wanted to use some of his twenty-year expired film. It was worth it.

black and white photo of the sun shining through tree branches
I really like this one. Can you see the little bird hanging around on the branch?

The whole process of trying this film encapsulates many of the things I like about film photography and why I tend to prefer it to digital photography: an interesting end-product, meeting fascinating strangers with stories to tell, a helpful and encouraging community, trepidation, forgetting things and coming back to them, and then of course surprises – sometimes positive.

If you’re interested in seeing more of my photos, you can have a look over on my Instagram @theoswins.

p.s. For anyone looking to develop Technical Pan in HC-110, here’s the information I was given: I shot at 32 ISO, then developed for 6:15min diluted to 1+79 (dilution F) at 20°. I was encouraged to not use stop, but rather demineralised water as a stop bath. I was also extremely careful with my agitation, doing it as gently as possible.

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About The Author

By Theo Swinscow
An Englishman in France. Photography is my all-consuming hobby. I take pictures - mostly film, but also digital - of everything around me, but mainly of my family.
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Ibraar Hussain on Kodak Technical Pan – Discovering the Joys of Expired Film – By Theo Swinscow

Comment posted: 22/02/2023

Pleasant write up and very nice photographs - with nice tones!
I’ve never tried this film before but your results are encouraging

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Theo Swinscow replied:

Comment posted: 22/02/2023

Thanks Ibraar! You should definitely try to find some and see what it does for you. The only annoying thing I'd say is the low ISO that I'm not used to, which makes it slightly more difficult than I'd like. I've since tried a second short roll and got too much contrast in most of the photos so I need to keep on testing.


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Eric Norris on Kodak Technical Pan – Discovering the Joys of Expired Film – By Theo Swinscow

Comment posted: 22/02/2023

I agree with your observation that learning how a roll of expired film performs isn't much help unless you happen to get multiple rolls from the same batch. Learning how a single roll of expired film looks when it is shot at X ASA and developed a particular way is not transferrable to other rolls of different provenance.

I look at expired film as a roll of the dice. Good results sometimes, bad results others.

What I'm most amazed by is how much expired film is selling for these days. As much as fresh film in some cases!

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Theo Swinscow replied:

Comment posted: 22/02/2023

Definitely it depends on a number of variables, many of which you don’t know about when buying the film. That’s why I was so happy to find a bulk roll afterwards, I’ll be able to get dependable results… I suppose one of the reasons they’re going for quite a bit of money is because with some of them, you really can get results which are difficult to get with new film. I think this Tech Pan is a case in point. It stores really well (there’s plenty of examples of long-expired Tech Pan handling well), and it has qualities which are difficult to replicate elsewhere.


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Theo Swinscow on Kodak Technical Pan – Discovering the Joys of Expired Film – By Theo Swinscow

Comment posted: 22/02/2023

Definitely it depends on a number of variables, many of which you don't know about when buying the film. That's why I was so happy to find a bulk roll afterwards, I'll be able to get dependable results...
I suppose one of the reasons they're going for quite a bit of money is because with some of them, you really can get results which are difficult to get with new film. I think this Tech Pan is a case in point. It stores really well (there's plenty of examples of long-expired Tech Pan handling well), and it has qualities which are difficult to replicate elsewhere.

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Kodachromeguy on Kodak Technical Pan – Discovering the Joys of Expired Film – By Theo Swinscow

Comment posted: 22/02/2023

These are amazing results. I love the mist and the shadows around the chateau.

The last time I used Technical Pan was in 1985 in Athens, Greece (bright sunlight). I used the genuine Kodak Technidol developer. It tamed the contrast range reasonably well, but many frames still had the chalk and soot look. Nice film but I did not try it any more. I am impressed by your development results.

I agree with you that expired films can be hit and miss. I am a fan of Panatomic-X film, but the remaining rolls are getting too old and some that I tried recently had flaws.

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Theo Swinscow replied:

Comment posted: 22/02/2023

Thanks! The results are entirely down to the fantastic advice from the Vintage Film Shooters group. Now i've found some more Tech Pan, I'll keep trying it. Don't think I'll branch out in to other expired films though, at least not yet.


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Khürt Williams on Kodak Technical Pan – Discovering the Joys of Expired Film – By Theo Swinscow

Comment posted: 27/02/2023

I enjoyed the ”review” and the photographs. I’ve never used this film. I am experimenting with expired Kodak Portra 400 BW and Kodak BW400CN. Fingers crossed.

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Geoff Chaplin on Kodak Technical Pan – Discovering the Joys of Expired Film – By Theo Swinscow

Comment posted: 09/06/2024

Lovely images especially the one with the bird. Anchell (darkroom cookbook) has several DIY developers for tech pan, might be worth trying since you have a bulk roll.

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Darren Fielding on Kodak Technical Pan – Discovering the Joys of Expired Film – By Theo Swinscow

Comment posted: 09/06/2024

Wonderful write Theo. I am enamoured by film photography especially so, expired film. For me, it is much akin to working with an unkown artist who will add their own unique spin to every single image. It's a collaboration that is created by the following variables: Time, patience, hope, beauty and a bit of good fortune. I live in China and whilst reading your article I searched from some technical pan and came across hundreds of rolls available. It is a wonderful country to live in for that very purpose, I've managed to purchase a vast range of different expired films and multiple rolls of each stock. I also am working on an article about my experience shooting expired Fujichrome Velvia 50 that expired in 2003.

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