Covid-19 has changed the world. We have people battling for their livelihoods everyday. I am incredibly thankful that I have a job and that I am able to continue to be creative.
Living in Singapore, I have been on working from home for over a month now, as part of the circuit breaker measures to curb covid-19. During this time I still needed to keep creative, working as an advertising creative director. As soon as I knew that we would have an extended stay at home, I thought that I should document this time.
So xx days later (because I have seriously lost track of time) and about 780+ photos, I have documented everyday, working, eating and fixing things at my desk. The same ultra wide view shot with the Voigtlander 12mm f5.6.
What started as a bit of fun ended up becoming an obsession and something to keep me creative through the monotonous stay at home cycle.
It is nice to look back and see my kids pop in here and there, the food I ate and a sneak peek at some of the projects I was working on.
There are a far too many photos to share here so here is 1% of all my work time-lapse series. I will share more shots on my Instagram and on my youtube channel
Stay safe, stay creative.
Thanks for reading!

To see more visit my youtube channel
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Jim Sangwine on The Stay Home Project – By John Scott
Comment posted: 27/06/2020
Comment posted: 27/06/2020
STUART on The Stay Home Project – By John Scott
Comment posted: 27/06/2020
Comment posted: 27/06/2020
Christopher Andreyo on The Stay Home Project – By John Scott
Comment posted: 27/06/2020
I happened to have the luck of launching a business just as COVID-19 hit, along with the additional requirement to shield due to some health issues.
I ended up having to run and operate my entire business form my home, which I hadn’t really planned in advance for, and at the moment, don’t see an end in the immediate future to it either.
I have grown in many ways from all this also, as I think many others have also.
Anyhow, excellent documentary work here, amazing what can be accomplished while at home!
Comment posted: 27/06/2020