The Kickstarter is live! You can now support 35mmc with it’s first ever book – Photography through the Pandemic!
The Kickstarter Campaign can be found here.
It may seem like a fair while since we put up our initial post advertising that we were making a book, but our blood, sweat and tears have gone into getting this project to this point. As such, we are couldn’t be more happy to be finally putting the Kickstarter live! Who knew making a book was so time-consuming…?

A bit about the book
Photography Through The Pandemic features the photography and words of 49 photographers from across the world who were inspired – all in very different ways – by the Covid pandemic. It is a look at the myriad ways that the Pandemic has affected photographers from all around the world and from all different backgrounds. The connecting factor being a love of analogue photography and a desire to continue to create during these universally difficult times.
But this book isn’t just about photography, it is about shared experience, the different ways we as humans respond to crises, and how we learn to cope in our own individual ways. It is also about the power of creativity as a coping mechanism and could perhaps even be seen as an important document that – through words and pictures – captures a moment in human history that won’t, or at very least shouldn’t be forgotten for decades to come.
Within this book are the voices of a hugely diverse selection of people from all over the world, including people from different cultures, different races, genders and sexual orientations. With this comes an enormous variety of experiences of this strange time we are living through. But whilst the experiences, stories and photos are different, everyone who contributed to the book is connected by their response as a human being, as well as a shared passion for film photography and alternative photographic processes.
Photography Through the Pandemic was produced by Hamish Gill/35mmc and was curated, compiled and designed by Holly Gilman. It is over 200 pages and is going to be produced on high-quality paper in hardback.

Why Kickstarter?
By funding this project, you are not only purchasing a copy of the book but you are helping to make sure that every single one of the photographers featured receives a copy of the book shipped to them for free. We aren’t able to pay the contributors – we aren’t expecting to make a profit ourselves either – but we do want to make sure that everyone who was involved in the project receives a copy for themselves to keep!
Don’t miss out!
Remember, this will be your only chance to get your hands on a copy of this book, we are only planning to make the number of books purchased through the campaign (as long as we meet our minimum that is!) so don’t wait around thinking you’ll be able to get one after the Kickstarter!
Thank you to everyone who has helped us create the book and to everyone who pledges and helps us to make this a reality.
The Kickstarter Campaign can be found here.
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David on Photography through the Pandemic Book – Kickstarter is Live!
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