I have this intention of writing a quick and dirty post about my first (technically not but for the purposes of this let's pretend) journey into colour film. We all know I can ...
This is part of a project I’ve had going for a while. It’s about aesthetics and observation. I’m trying to strip everything I can out of the process of making an image and then ...
I am not a TikTok user myself, but as a college student I think I might be the odd man out. For those of you who are not familiar with TikTok, that’s a topic for another day, bu...
I’ve realised recently that I don’t share my photos enough. I show pictures of my daughter to my family, but other than that, I have basically no audience. Almost all my spare t...
I started writing this in the past tense before even deciding which film to use, in fact, I had not even put this lens on the camera before. The camera in question being the Can...
I recently decided to add something different to my regular film-stock replenishment order, and went for a selection of Rollei branded films - not something I've ever shot befor...
As I was backing up I saw the heap of dumpsters outside the gas station in the mirror, and for some reason they intrigued me. That image of literal garbage captured in my rear-v...
I’m shocked to say that it’s not even been 2 months since my first article was published on 35mmc (at the time of writing this, that is). I think it feels like longer because I ...