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25 February, 2018

The Leica Mystique: The Brand vs. The Camera

By Hamish Gill

Leica cameras, especially the m-mount rangefinders have a certain amount of mystique attached to them. Their fans often seem to give them a level of attention and admiration as ...

23 February, 2018

“Are You a Photographer?” – By Frank Wu

By frankhwu

“Are you a photographer?” the woman seated next to me on the airplane asked. She had spied my camera bag with two bodies and three extra lenses. “Are you a model?” I replied, a...

22 February, 2018

5 Frames with a Nikon F100 by Carlos Llamas

By Carlos Llamas

I am a 44 year-old NYC-based photographer, and a proud film user since my very beginnings. About my beloved Nikon F100: It was found in Bogotá, Colombia around 5 years ago, at a...