MS-Optics converted Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar – 35mm Lens conversion – Part 2

By Hamish Gill

In the last part of this story I was deliberating over the choice of converting the Yashica T4’s Tessar vs the Nikon L35’s Sonnar to M-mount. Whilst I was dead set on the latter, the lens I now have might look like I went for the former…? Actually there’s more to this than meets the eye.


See that tiny little white dot around from f/3.5 on the aperture scale? That tiny little dot denotes f/2.8. Of course the Yashica’s Tessar is only a f/3.5 lens, so what might you ask is this little dot doing on a converted Tessar? Well, of course the answer is it isn’t the Tessar, for reasons really only entirely known to Miyazaki the writing on it is wrong. It is in fact the 35mm f2.8 Sonnar from the Nikon L35.

At some point in the process of the lens being converted, Bellamy got in touch and said that Miyazaki was having some sort of problems with suppliers and and did I mind if my lens was converted using parts destined for another conversion. Though Bellamy didn’t have much of the details from his eccentric friend, I decided it would be fine. This lens with the incorrect text on it was the outcome.


I must admit, I wasn’t entirely sure what to think the first time I saw it, my first impression was that Miyazaki had converted the wrong lens. Looking closer of course I could see the same deep blue lens coating from the Nikon and the same shape plastic around the front of the lens. And then I noticed the little extra white dot denoting the f/2.8 aperture. It was definitely the Nikon’s Sonnar, just a little bit in disguise.


I know for a fact, there is at least one perfectionist reading this who would find this imperfection really annoying (James Fox-Davis I’m looking at you). But actually, I really like it. I really couldn’t care less what it says on it, as long as it works. And actually, it quite nicely reflects the apparent eccentricity of the man who made it.

M-mount not LTM

If there is one thing I do regret though, it’s not actually asking Bellamy if these lenses were Leica thread mount with M-mount adapters. I’m not sure why I didn’t ask him, or why I just made the assumption from the pictures is seen that they just came as LTM with a mount adapter. But, well, you know what they say about assumption being the mother of all fuck-ups… To be fair, I do think it looks a little like it is an adapted LTM lens, but turn it over and you can soon see that what looks like an adapter is just the lens mount…


Mounted on the Leica CL

Fortunately I suppose, I’ve instantly fallen in love with the thing when mounted on my Leica CL. In fact, with it mounted on the CL it feels as much, if not more like the perfect carry everywhere rangefinder/lens combination. It even fits quite comfortably in my jeans pocket, which is definitely a first for an M-mount camera in my world. In fact, despite it being a 35mm, which isn’t perfect for the CL, and despite having not shot a roll with it, it already feels like it’s supplanted the 40mm Summicron. I bought the ‘cron only for its size really, this lens is smaller, so unless the conversion has somehow turned it into a bad lens (which is unlikely), I think the Summicron is likely to go. This was after all an exercise in miniaturisation above anything else really, and this combo is very small!


The size/usability compromise

Of course, I’m sure you’re wondering if this tiny size means a big sacrifice in terms of usability? I’m not going to lie, this isn’t the most easy lens to change aperture quickly. If you’ve ever shot an early Leitz elmar with the aperture dial around the front element of the lens, your about in the right ball park for how easy it is to change aperture on this thing. It’s not hard, it’s just not that quick a process and is slightly fiddly.


Focusing on the other hand – thanks to a good sized focus tab – is no problem at all. It also focuses with quite a short throw, which means it feels really quite quick to use. It’s also lovely and smooth to focus, which surprised me a little…


Build quality

I’m not really sure what I expected to receive in terms of build quality, but I think I expected something that felt a little more Heath Robbison. I suspect this came about after I was given a heads-up by someone on Instagram to not expect it to feel like a factory made lens. I suppose it doesn’t, but the warning I was given set my mind to expect something that had a bit of wobble or give here and there, or maybe felt more plastic than metal. In reality it does feel really quite solid; it’s all metal, and there is no give at all. There are giveaway signs that it wasn’t made by Zeiss or Leica, the signs of glue here and there, and of course the incorrect text definitely make it feel more hand made, but really for what it is, I can’t fault it… That is assuming it doesn’t fall apart after six months…


Was it worth it?

Ultimately, yes I think it was. As someone rightly pointed out on my Facebook page, by the definition of this blog, this is almost the perfect gear for me. I started this blog with a minor obsession with compact camera, an obsession that hasn’t left me, though has drifted somewhat toward rangefinders. This little lens conversion feels quite nicely like it bridges the gap. It’s tiny, and has the wonderful qualities of a point & shoot cameras who’s lens I loved. It takes photos that retain some of the imperfections and eccentricities gained through shooting a compact camera, but at the same time offers me some of the functionality of a rangefinder that I have further grown to enjoy in more recent times. In short, I couldn’t be happier with the outcome!

I bet a few people out there have a bad case of GAS seeing this too!? All I can say is, talk to Bellamy, he’ll see you good!

If you are interested in the results, keep an eye on the blog or sign yourself up to my email subscription below. I’ve shot half a roll already, so it won’t be long before I have something to show you!




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About The Author

By Hamish Gill
I started taking photos at the age of 9. Since then I've taken photos for a hobby, sold cameras for a living, and for a little more than decade I've been a professional photographer and, of course, weekly contributor to 35mmc.
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Dominik Mrzyk on MS-Optics converted Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar – 35mm Lens conversion – Part 2

Comment posted: 06/03/2016

I'd love to try that combo, looks fantastic! Enjoy it, Hamish!

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Hamish Gill replied:

Comment posted: 06/03/2016

I feels it too! Cheers mate! :)


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Milko on MS-Optics converted Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar – 35mm Lens conversion – Part 2

Comment posted: 06/03/2016

What a unique piece Hamish, made all the more interesting for its cobbling together... this thing will be the subject of many a bar room expert's pontificating as to its heritage. Glad to have been here for the birth and looking forward to the first images. cheers J

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Hamish Gill replied:

Comment posted: 06/03/2016

Haha, cheers :)


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Blinx on MS-Optics converted Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar – 35mm Lens conversion – Part 2

Comment posted: 06/03/2016

The world needs more pancake lenses. Canon's 24 and 40mm 'cakes are the sole reason I persevere with APS-C sensor cameras. Ditto Fuji. Not sure what I think about the men-in-sheds result, the build quality and aesthetics might annoy me eventually but you can't knock the effort. It's certainly given me a hankering for a CL!

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Hamish Gill replied:

Comment posted: 06/03/2016

Yeah, I wish Sony would make a pancake for the a7 series ... My beaten up CL is the king of all CLs - it might look like crap, but it works a treat after a Leica service in 2003


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Stephen on MS-Optics converted Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar – 35mm Lens conversion – Part 2

Comment posted: 06/03/2016

Interesting experiment Hamish...

So will you be eschewing your Leica M-A in favour of this little beast?

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Hamish Gill replied:

Comment posted: 06/03/2016

No, there's a time and a place for something pocketable ... But the M-A and Sonnar will always have its place too


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Dagmar on MS-Optics converted Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar – 35mm Lens conversion – Part 2

Comment posted: 06/03/2016

That's a lovely Quasimodo (baby) conversion - I like it and I am very curious on the pics. I reckon it is rangefinder coupled? How do you determine the field of view? Although it is wider than the 40 (which is great on the M8), so probably no problem ,-)

I always loved that little Pentax DA 40mm f/2.8 XS lens but never felt like jumping on the Pentax line just for this lens. Oly has the two rather cool body cap lenses, but only rather wide and f8. Still an older Pen and one of those might come close for being compact. The Pen body, though, is bigger than the cute CL.. And of course digital.. *g*

So - I hope you have the docs and keep them, for the record, together with the lens and still, I'd be curious about what one would have to pay for such a conversion. And last.. I love the Voigtländer M-mount lenses but sometimes I miss that I didn't start buying them in screw mount instead of M-bayonet. It would have been just a tiny bit more versatile..

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Hamish Gill replied:

Comment posted: 06/03/2016

Hi Dagmar, Its rangefinder coupled, and I just frame with the 40mm lines - I know I'll get a bit more in, but meh, it's a rangefinder, framing is never all that precise anyway ;) I'm also having a body cap lens made using an old 26mm lens out of a cheap point and shoot - keep your eyes peeled for that :) Yes, I have a bit of paperwork that came with it on my desk at work - mostly Japanese :) More M-mount Voigtlanders is just an excuse to buy more M-mount cameras I say ;)


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KJ Vogelius on MS-Optics converted Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar – 35mm Lens conversion – Part 2

Comment posted: 09/03/2016

That looks great! Seriously small. Makes that lovely & tiny CL look big. Glad you ended up with the Nikon lens, really liked the photos in the review of that camera. Look forward to seeing some results!

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Hamish Gill replied:

Comment posted: 09/03/2016

It does doesn't it... Photos should be coming next week :)


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Brennan McKissick on MS-Optics converted Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar – 35mm Lens conversion – Part 2

Comment posted: 15/11/2016

I have a Yashica T4 and have had a few other T4s and T5s in the past and recently busted out my IIIg and have been tossing around the idea of hunting for a busted T4 to have it converted to LTM mount. I stumbled on this post a while back but just stopped back in to say the patina on that CLA is awesome haha.

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Hamish Gill replied:

Comment posted: 15/11/2016

Haha, yeah... it's one awesome looking camera isn't it!? It's my carry everywhere at the moment


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Trashherink on MS-Optics converted Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar – 35mm Lens conversion – Part 2

Comment posted: 31/03/2017

I might do the same with some of my dead camera to mount a nice lens on my bessa R2a , what is affordable conversion ?

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Hamish Gill replied:

Comment posted: 31/03/2017

DIY is the only cheap way - have a look at


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Scott P on MS-Optics converted Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar – 35mm Lens conversion – Part 2

Comment posted: 07/11/2017

How do you know the lens is a Sonnar? It doesn't say so on the beauty ring, and I can't find any mention of the lens type on Nikon's website. Forgive me if this is in one of your articles and I missed it.
(Not being challenging, just curious)

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Hamish Gill replied:

Comment posted: 07/11/2017

There used to be a blog post about it on Nikon's website - it's gone now :)


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H ENNIS on MS-Optics converted Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar – 35mm Lens conversion – Part 2

Comment posted: 07/03/2018

How is it holding up? Thinking of getting one done myself but worried it will fall apart!

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Hamish Gill replied:

Comment posted: 07/03/2018

I'm sorry I sold it, so I don't know - it was pretty well put together though


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The Nikon L35AF - a mini review - by Giacomo Zema - 35mmc on MS-Optics converted Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar – 35mm Lens conversion – Part 2

Comment posted: 29/03/2019

[…] You can find another review of a (broken) Nikon L35AF here And thoughts on this lens converted to m-mount here […]

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cz on MS-Optics converted Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar – 35mm Lens conversion – Part 2

Comment posted: 06/06/2024

I came from the article about the CL, and I'm really intrigued by this compact lens (compared to my current Voigtlander 40/1.4). I noticed it's modified from the Nikon L35 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar. I don't have the skills to do such modifications:( Where can I purchase it?

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Hamish Gill replied:

Comment posted: 06/06/2024

MS-Optics used to do the conversions, I’m not sure if he still does. Else my company, Omnar Lenses, is soon to release a similar rehousing.


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