Ok, I’m cheating, this isn’t 5 frames it’s 4. But I only took 4, and they make a nice set… These were taken last summer in a bar in Waterloo at a Beers & Cameras meetup with my Leica M-A and 7Artisans 50mm f/1.1. I was quite drunk, and afterwards forgot I’d shot these. I assume my intention was to push the film, I’m not sure I did. One way or another they came out woefully underexposed. Still, with some careful scanning, and a fairly heavy dose of tweaking in Lightroom I managed to retrieve something of a picture from the very thin Ilford HP5+ negs.
A success? Perhaps not, but I’m not sure I would write them off entirely. If nothing else, they speak volumes about the ability of HP5+ to withstand even the heavy volumes of Whisky I imbibed that most enjoyable evening… The amusing thing is, two of these people are portrait photographers, one of them recently featured in BJP…

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John Lockwood on 5 (4 underexposed) frames with a Leica M-A and 7Artisans 50mm f/1.1
Comment posted: 18/01/2018
Comment posted: 18/01/2018