This week has been chaos for me – having launched my pixl-latr Kickstarter with some significant (almost scary) success on Monday, I have since been taken aback by the amount of support I have received – both from potential consumers of pixl-latr within the community, and brand names within the industry too. I am working on updating the list of articles that have been written in the post about it’s launch here, but that list doesn’t take into account the support I’ve had on social media, which has been phenomenal, to say the least!
One thing it has made me realise that I should probably at least attempt to up my game regarding the news I put out on 35mmc. I’m not a big writer of news, and have previously relied on the Sunny 16 updates to share little snippets of industry news… but if there one thing this week has shown me, it’s how valuable to the community and industry all the blogs and websites are in sharing the news… So yeah, time for me to try and do a better job.
The Intrepid 4×5 MKIII
I have just today been emailed by the guys at Intrepid – they tell me there is a new version of the 4×5 camera; the MkIII – all the details including the upgrades over previous models found here

The folks at Intrepid are an inspiration to everyone – including me – looking to bring a product to market via Kickstarter. And with one of the key features of the camera being the low price, they also fit with my mentality when it came to bringing pixl-latr to Kickstarter. It really is amazing what they have achieved – you can see a bit of the back story here on Nicos Photography Show (Nico is also worth following on youtube, if you don’t already!):
One other thing I happen to know about the folks from Intrepid is how supportive they were of Steve’s Chroma Camera when he launched it on Kickstarter. Offering well wishes to a direct competitor says a lot about a company in my mind. So good luck with the MKiii, I say!
CineStill Df96 Monobath
Another email I received this week came from Brian at Cinestill. News of their new monobath travelled fast, and even with me wrapped up in all that was going on with pixl-latr, I still stumbled over a good few posts out there talking about it – most notably the post on EMULSIVE. EM asks at the end “Have you ever used a monobath developer before?” – I must admit, I haven’t… But reading Cinestill’s blurb, I find myself very tempted:
The worries of too much development, dilution, time or agitation are gone. Stop bath? Fixer? Hardener? Gone the way of One-Hour-Photos and formaldehyde. Meet the labtender’s best friend, served neat. It may be clear and odorless but please do not drink it. ☠????????????????
Processing all of your B&W film at home is easier than ever with this 1 simple ready-to-use solution. This magical and versatile Single-Step BW “Developer-Fix” monobath solution, akin to D96 motion picture developer but with no need for stop bath, fixer, or any other chemicals, is perfect for processing CineStill BwXX along with any other black & white film. No special charts, timers or apps needed! Foolproof self-completing process that guarantees high-resolution, fine grain, a long density scale, and uniform development latitude. Additionally, this developer is suitable for use when push or pull processing.

There’s loads more info and some very impressive looking sample shots on Cinestill’s website here
Lomography Diana Instant Square Camera
The final bit of news I want to shout about is the launch of the Diana Instant Square Camera – it would be highly remiss of me not to support my friends at Lomography and their latest product, especially since it is on Kickstarter (here) at the same time as pixl-latr.
Their latest invention is – as you might gather from the name – a square format instant camera based on the cult classic toy-camera, the Diana. As with many products out of the Lomography stables it looks like the work of either a genius, a lunatic, or possibly where those two things meet… But, in a modern photography world so obsessed with perfection, this is exactly why I love what they do!

Sound interesting? Get yourself over to Kickstarter and help them further smash their goal.
As I said at the beginning, I’m not great at news posts, but receiving the support I have this week as really made me want to try harder… As such, if you have any news, please send it my way!
(Equally, if you want to help me write more news posts, I’d be very happy to hear from you!)
In the meanwhile, as if I need to hint any more, pixl-latr, it’s on Kickstarter, don’t forget to back it! 😉
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Nicolas Llasera on Intrepid 4×5 MKIII, Cinestill DF96 and Lomography Diana Instant Square Camera
Comment posted: 25/06/2018