I live in San Francisco, California and like many cities around the world at this point in time, we're in the midst of a shelter in place order meant to combat the Coronavirus p...
Olympia, Washington has a strange fascination with animals and dress-up. In late April there's a parade where a bunch of people dress up like animals and make big animal floats ...
The XPan is everything I have ever needed from a film camera. It serves the purpose to me of being fundamentally different from the regular frame shape which most film, dig...
I’ve been photographing Comic Con for a while now, both to produce images for placement but also as part of an ongoing personal project, for which I’ve only recently...
It wasn’t long after deciding to take film photography a little more seriously with my CL that I decided to finally adopt an XPan into my lineup. I know for many people th...
Quite a personal post this one, even by my standards. Yesterday, me and the wife spent a day in the hospital. Nothing too serious fortunately, but serious enough for us to have ...
I've been promising a review of the Contax T3 for some time now, it's coming, but progress has been glacially slow. It's not because I don't use the camera, I do, in fact it's a...
I got the shots back from my first roll with the Rollei 35SE back today. I’m beginning to notice a little theme to these “first roll” posts I’ve been put...