I recently kicked off a bit of a series of posts talking about my experiences with my Pentax MX. In that first post, I talked a bit about how I didn’t want to just review the camera and move on as I so frequently do. Well, in partial contradiction to that I’ve decided to “review” the Pentax MX earlier on in the series of posts than I expected to. This won’t be the end of my relationship with this little camera though – as you’ll read, we’ve hit it off, and I intend to stick with it for a little while longer at least.
A good balance
As I mentioned in my opening post in this series, possibly the main reason I’ve found such joy with this camera is the balance of features, function and size that it gives me. My photography has been at a bit of a low ebb recently, and as such, I’ve felt that I needed a camera that gave me a sense of connection to the process of taking photos. I’ve always liked small and simple cameras that offer a clear and obvious set of features, but in the place I’m in at the moment, those factors seem all the more important to me. Fortunately – despite some slight issues with the controls and my need to shoot with my left eye – the Pentax MX seems to be fitting the bill very nicely.
The Pentax MX review
As mentioned in the first post in this series, the Pentax MX comes from the Pentax M-series of cameras released between the mid-70s and mid-80s. The whole series of cameras and lenses were marketed on their diminutive size. The Pentax MX is – at least as far as I can work out – the smallest fully mechanical metered SLR camera ever produced. And yes, before you ask, it is slightly smaller than the Olympus OM1, though there’s very little in it.

It’s fair to say that with the Pentax MX’s tiny size comes a fairly sparse set of features. In saying that, it definitely feels like the sort of camera that’s not really missing anything. That is to say, for what it does, and how it does it, it doesn’t feel like it falls short of the mark in many respects at all.
The Pentax MX was, in fact, the model in the range that was supposedly designed to appeal to the “professional” – as such, unlike all of the other cameras in the M-Series line, it is fully mechanical and therefore doesn’t require batteries for it to take a photo. Of course, the built-in light meter doesn’t work without a battery, but as I will come to, even without the meter working, not only does the Pentax MX continue to shoot but – thanks to the way the meter is displayed in the viewfinder – it doesn’t feel like anything is missing from its overall functionality.
The light meter
The light meter in the Pentax MX controlled by an inner wheel on top of the shutter dial. Press the little silver button in and the exposure index can be set between 25 and 1600. This upper limit of 1600 will likely be seen as a limitation by some, but fortunately for me, I rarely use a built-in light meter on the rare occasion I shoot as high as EI3200 or above. It’s also easy enough to work around this limitation anyway… but I’ll come back to that in a later post.
The light meter readout in the viewfinder did take me a little bit of getting used to. It’s not complicated at all, but at first glance it certainly made me scratch my head. Now I’m used to it though, it seems entirely logical.

On the right-hand side of the view through the finder are displayed three shutter speeds, the selected one in the centre, with the next slowest speed below and next fastest speed above. When you half-press the shutter button – at least when there are batteries in the camera – one of a series of 5 LEDs illuminates. If the correct speed is selected a green LED glows next to the middle selected shutter speed. If the camera is about 1/2 stop out, it will glow an orange LED. And if the camera is a stop or more out it will glow a red LED to indicate which way the exposure is out.

It’s definitely simple and a very effective solution, but as I’ve alluded, the thing I like about it the most is that when there isn’t a battery in the camera, the meter functionality completely disappears. The LEDs don’t illuminate, so you’re just left with a shutter speed readout. This differs from a lot of cameras – even ones that continue to work without the battery – that have matched needle meters or other light meter read-outs that remain visible, but non-functioning when there’s no battery.

This might not sound like a big deal, but to me – someone who appreciates simplicity and neatness in camera design – it gives a real sense that the designers of the camera actually intended it to be used either with or without batteries. And since I like shooting both with and without a light meter, it feels like it quite specifically fits both my shooting needs and how my brain works.
The viewfinder
As well as the shutter speed readout, there’s also a little window at the top of the viewfinder that shows the chosen aperture on the lens. It works perfectly well in good light, but unfortunately, with it being a simple window to the settings on the lens, and there being no built-in artificial illumination, it is a little difficult to see the chosen aperture in lower-light.
The viewfinder is otherwise fairly wonderful. It feels huge to look through, and though I’m still struggling to get to grips with SLR focusing again, I’ve found the experience of shooting this particular camera to be fairly positive. The Pentax MX focusing screen that’s installed in my MX has a combination of split-prism with a micro-prism ring around it. I must admit, the micro-prism ring isn’t quite as good as some I’ve used, but as a fallback to the split-prism, I’ve still found it more than handy a couple of times. The Pentax MX also allows the user to change the focusing screen for different types, but I haven’t explored the alternatives so can’t really comment.

I’ve been shooting my Pentax MX primarily with a 40mm 2.8 pancake lens. As I will come back to in a future review of the lens, it’s not without its handling foibles. I do also have the 50mm f/1.7, and though I haven’t actually shot with it yet, it feels like it would be much easier to use on this camera.
Unfortunately for me, the slight handling issues with the Pentax MX aren’t – in my case at least – limited to using it with the 40mm pancake lens, Though I should quickly add that I think a bit of this comes down to me now being a left-eye shooter.
Easy access to adjust the slightly-stiffer-to-turn-than-average shutter speed dial really requires the film advance lever to be folded out to its ready-to-be-advanced position. This would be less of an issue if I shot with my right eye, but shooting with my left eye the advance pokes into my forehead when it’s folded out.
As such – at least when using the built-in meter – I’ve developed a bit of a system of metering and selecting shutter speeds using the camera with my right eye, then framing and shooting with my left. Not perfectly ideal really, but I’ve come to terms with the fact that cameras just aren’t designed for left-eye-photographers, so I am just finding ways to live with this minor handicap.

The only other control lever is found on the front right-hand face of the camera and is a combined self-timer and depth of field preview. Push it toward the lens and it previews DOF, pull and rotate it 180 degrees away from the lens, and it sets the self-timer. I actually can’t think of another camera that combines these feature into one control, but it makes so much sense and keeps the number of buttons and switches down – which I like.
The Pentax MX Mechanics
My particular Pentax MX feels wonderful to use. There aren’t many mechanical parts to interface with, but what there is feels very positive on my copy. The film advance is really smooth and nicely sprung, the shutter dial clicks positively though is a little more stiff than I would like – especially given my left-eye shooting. The depth of field preview switch feels solid, and the self-timer, well, works… which is more than can be said of a lot of self-timers.
I should caveat all this by pointing out that I might have a good copy. I have spoken to a couple of people on social media who have either had bad luck with Pentax cameras of this sort of age dying or in the case of one person on Instagram, their Pentax MX just felt a bit mechanically crap. As I say though, mine is spot on!
Loading the film
The last thing I want to talk about before I conclude is something that I rarely mention when reviewing cameras, and that’s how I’ve found it easiest to load the film. More often than not when I’m loading cameras I put the cartridge in, pull the film out, slot the film into take-up spool and wind. The Pentax MX has a take-up spool that to me feels a bit too fiddly for that method. As such, I’ve found feeding the film into the take-up spool, winding the camera slightly, then loading the cartridge to be an easier method – your mileage may vary.
A few Pentax MX photos

More here
Final(ish) thoughts
Of course, these won’t be my final thoughts on the Pentax MX. Really, this is just the nuts-and-bolts-review part of what I have to say. I just wanted to write this stuff down as I feel like it gets it out of the way. It also helps lead on to the other posts I have planned about it.
The main point I wanted to make here is that as someone who likes small simple mechanical cameras, the Pentax MX feels like a bit of a gem. Yes, its size does make the slightly stiff shutter speed dial a little fiddly to use, which is especially troublesome for someone who shoots with their left eye, but to me, the small size and portability entirely makes up for this shortcoming. More importantly than most other factors though, I’ve found myself not really needing to think about the Pentax MX when I’m using it, and quite often, I think that’s all that anyone really needs from a camera.
Next up, I intend to share some thoughts on the 40mm f/2.8 pancake lens, and how well, and otherwise, I’ve found it to work for me…
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Graham Coad on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
If you wind on, then 'flick' the shutter release with a finger, the mirror flips up but the shutter blinds will not move till you fully depress the shutter release.
The finger flick is the same as you might use to flick a pea across a table. It works with the MXs I have owned.
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Andre on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
TrevC on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Simon on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
This is the one I mean: https://www.pentaxforums.com/lensreviews/SMC-Pentax-K-30mm-F2.8-Lens.html
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Nick Lyle on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
I strongly encourage you to try some lenses other than that 40/2.8 pancake. The fiddly handling may be bearable, but the top speed of f/2.8 really makes focusing harder than need be. Your 50/1.7 is a lot brighter, and is a very fine lens. The 50/2 is also worth a look; it is noticeably more compact than the 50/1.7.
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Chris Pattison on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Graham Line on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Sokol on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Manfred on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
with a little sorry for my "Austrian English" I would like to thank you for your review. The MX is quite big! There are two things I also would like to share: You can imitate the "T" of the Pentax SV by turning the shutter speed dial to "B", pressing the shutter button and "turn off" the little on/off lever. Then, the shutter remains open until you "turn on" again. The 2nd comment is more a question: I think there is no way of multi exposure with this little thing... am I right? Best regards from Vienna, Manfred.
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Clive W on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
I must say, I like the way it combines the meter indications with the speed display. I don’t have an MX; I have the revered Nikon FM2N, which puts the speed readout on the left and the meter LEDs on the right (and a similar now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t aperture display.)
My other Nikon is an FE, which in most respects I prefer to the FM2N. Like the ME Super, that has the main meter display on the left. Odd that two pairs of closely-related cameras should have different layouts in such a critical place. It would be easier when carrying both and switching between them if the makers had picked a side and stick to it.
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Reinhold Graf on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
I have to admit that I had some doubts when I took my MX on a sailing trip.
I had no problems inserting a film. Pentax Quick-Load worked perfectly for me.
I also use my left eye to focus and I also do not like when the film advance lever gets in the way.
I've learned to set the shutter speed without folding out the film advance lever - it works and you get used to it.
Overall, this camera has fully convinced me and I will definitely continue to use.
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Comment posted: 11/11/2019
Roger B. on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Marcel Mikolasik on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Huss on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
FYI it is different that the ones used for the ME Super etc.
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Aivaras on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Dan on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
After 2 months of shooting mine, the only hard problem I keep running into is camera shake. After some side by side tests I've found I can't shoot the MX with K 85/1.8 at the same speeds as a Nikon F2 with Nikkor-H 85/1.8. I guess that with a much smaller body, something has to give - even though the bumpers on mine were replaced this year, the mirror mechanism just isn't as well dampened. But maybe its just my copy, who knows.
Fortunately all the good Pentax K glass is on the wider side anyway, in my opinion. Right now I have the 30/2.8 on there - it replaced the 40mm pancake for me as it still fits under my zipped up jacket with a neck strap (just about) and it might be my fave all-purpose wide angle SLR lens. Shots from it look more like a rangefinder lens in terms of pop. For something a bit tighter, the 55/1.8 is an absolute bargain.
Oh and, the MX is one of those cameras where a half case makes all the difference in terms of stability. There's a guy in China who makes them by hand for a fair price, he sells them on eBay. (easy to search for in case you're interested)
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Clive W on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
If you're finding it difficult, I suspect you're being too tentative.
The M viewfinders are so good that I wouldn't worry too much about speed of lenses. I use the M 135mm f/3.5 (they're everywhere and very cheap) and the M 24-35mm f/3.5, and have no trouble focusing even in gloomy daylight. I wouldn't worry about 'favourite lenses' either; as with the Nikon system, if you choose a lens for the job you want it to do, you'll find it plenty good enough - and there is something special about the SMC coating, especially if you like to shoot against the light.
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Matt White on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
On film loading, I think your method is along the right lines. I find it incredibly easy - and now, after 30 years, completely automatic - just to feed 1-2cm of leader into the needles, pull out a short length of film, drop the canister into the other end of the camera, wind on a frame and close up. It's basically one extended movement. I don't find it fiddly now. I can't recall if I ever did. It helps that my LX works exactly the same way. And they're probably the only cameras of the many, many that I have owned where I've never misloaded a roll.
Des McSweeney on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
I thought that the spool was a doddle, just shove the leader in between any two of the white plastic things, about half an inch in should do, and wind it on a shot, close the back and wind it once or twice more depending how mean you are - and check the rewind end is going round just in case. I hadn't picked it up in 25 years and all seemed straight forward and easy but I guess there is some historical memory kicking in. I'll keep you posted on how things turn out with the film (HP5)!
All the best
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Matt White on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 12/11/2019
Nick Clark on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 13/11/2019
A minor quibble - the meter LEDs are at 1/2 stop increments, not full stops. Ie. amber = 1/2 EV out, red = 1 EV out
Comment posted: 13/11/2019
Ronny Persson on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 14/11/2019
Will on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 15/11/2019
Recommended reading : Down the Road on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 16/11/2019
Kevin Rosinbum on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 22/11/2019
Love the MX.
And as mentioned by Matt White in another comment, the "magic needles" take some getting used to, but these days every time I load another 35mm with a traditional take-up spool I miss the needles in a big way. Make sure you pass the leader through a good ways and it very very very rarely ever slips when you wind-on.
Also, try the secret "flick" lock-up. Once you get a feel for the timing, you'll get it on the first try almost every time. (Though I've really never felt the MX needed lock-up - it's mirror/body is very well dampened - don't think I've ever had and image that made me say "Yup that's shake".)
In regard the 40mm pancake, never liked it. Pick up an FA43mm Limited. Nearly as small and IQ that leaves the 40 (and most other PK lenses) far behind in the dust. It rarely leaves my MX.
Comment posted: 22/11/2019
Comment posted: 22/11/2019
Comment posted: 22/11/2019
Kevin Rosinbum on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 24/11/2019
Perhaps my enthusiasm for this particular machine was overbearing. Was intended to be helpful enthusiasm.
the MX is a fine camera. Happy shooting.
Comment posted: 24/11/2019
Comment posted: 24/11/2019
Comment posted: 24/11/2019
The Pentax-M 40mm f/2.8 and Pentax MX - imperfect, but pocketable! - 35mmc on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 25/11/2019
Steven Louth on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 25/11/2019
The Most Read and Commented upon Posts Published on 35mmc in 2019 - 35mmc on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 31/12/2019
Kosmopedia: Pentax MX - Kosmo Foto on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 04/01/2020
Finding joy in a Pentax P30 (Despite it not doing working as expected) - 35mmc on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 20/01/2020
Pentax KX review: My first. My favorite? - by Aaron Gold - 35mmc on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 28/02/2020
Bob Janes on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 20/03/2020
Pete rBudd on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 20/03/2020
Paul on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 20/03/2020
Alan Millar on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 21/03/2020
So yeah. If you're not a spectacle wearer and love a huge SLR viewfinder, you literally can do no better. The microprism focusing screen is awful. But there are some wonderful alternatives that should be sought out by the MX user.
Comment posted: 21/03/2020
Comment posted: 21/03/2020
Mark on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 22/03/2020
The 43mm 1.9 you've been looking for!
Comment posted: 22/03/2020
Alan Kirkby on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 26/03/2020
Henry Marts on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 29/03/2020
Jack Carden on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 01/05/2020
Comment posted: 01/05/2020
Enjoying Some Pentax SLR Gear Acquisition Syndrome - 35mmc on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 22/06/2020
Pentax MZ-5 Review - Cheap Thrills with an AF SLR Film Camera - 35mmc on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 27/07/2020
Paul Elcock on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 28/10/2020
Freddy Schiller on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 31/12/2020
Total weight is 505g.
For comparison, Pentax MX weighs 495g and the 40mm 110g, so in total 605g, 100g so 20% more than the Konica. Also I think the Hexanon is a better lens, and
the Konica TC-X also takes modern AAA batteries for the meter (but it works perfectly without it).
You can get a TC-X with lens for very little money these days - I paid 40 pounds for a very well-kept camera plus the 40mm Hexanon (and useless third party zoom).
Robert on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 28/11/2022
Dinah on Pentax MX – My Nuts and Bolts Review
Comment posted: 24/09/2023
I'm off to London this Sunday morning to meet up with a small group of fella 35mm film camera users.
I'm taking my MX bought some time back but as I'm not fully aware of all the functions, and this'll be first time using it, i needed to look it up on Google and found your excellent review.
So here's to a happy result when I get the film developed.
Comment posted: 24/09/2023