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15 January, 2015

Voigtlander VC Meter II Light Meter Review

By Hamish Gill

I’ve decided I should review some of the collection of compact camera and rangefinder accessories I seem to have been collecting recently. I was trying to decide where to ...

14 January, 2015

MR-9 Battery Adapter

By Hamish Gill

I have previously written about adapting a 675 hearing aid battery for use in cameras that require a 1.35 volt PX625. I was pretty confident at the time that since hearing aid b...

30 December, 2014

Pentax Espio Mini (UC-1)

By Hamish Gill

The Pentax Espio Mini (or UC-1 as it is otherwise known) doesn’t seem to demand quite the outspoken praise that some of its contemporaries do. There isn’t much info ...